In 1993, INTELSAT began to study its markets and operations with the long-term objective of making fundamental changes to its business structure. Many observers, including INTELSAT itself, view the organizational rigidity imposed by INTELSAT's structure as an international treaty organization as hampering INTELSAT's expansion into new markets. The current range of restructuring options considered by INTELSAT includes minor structural changes (allowing multiple signatories, or de-linking investment and use), formation of subsidiaries (both regional and commercial), and privatization (into either a single entity or multiple entities).
Restructuring proposals, however, raise the fundamental question of whether it is appropriate for an entity such as INTELSAT, with its close links to national governments, to expand into new services outside its core mission. Indeed, perhaps the reverse is true; perhaps INTELSAT should shrink rather than expand its size and scope of activities. This paper addresses this question from the broader perspective of global welfare, not from that of INTELSAT's interests alone.
INTELSAT was created largely by national governments and government owned telecommunications monopolists. We begin with the premise that services should be provided by competitive private entities wherever possible. Government intervention should be confined to those services where there is a clear market failure -- principally natural monopoly, or public goods or other strong positive externalities. Do such conditions characterize INTELSAT's markets today?
Section I of the paper reviews INTELSAT's original mission and history, noting that INTELSAT was formed to provide global telephone links via satellites. Whether or not private firms could have adequately performed this task at the time, section II notes that dramatic changes have taken place since then, especially the growth of fiber optic cable as a substitute to satellites for providing telephone links, and the emergence of private satellite providers. The main barriers now to expansion of private providers seem to be artificial barriers. These stem largely from the special status enjoyed by INTELSAT and include: its ownership of scarce geostationary (GEO) slots, its tax preferences and immunities from competition laws, and, probably most important, the restriction of access to national markets imposed on INTELSAT's potential competitors by governments or their telecommunications monopolists. Section III identifies some of the potential inefficiencies from retaining the privileged status of INTELSAT, and from allowing it to expand into new services. Section IV concludes that it is time for a fundamental reexamination of what is the proper role of INTELSAT in today's world. Such a reexamination should not occur in isolation, but in the context of a broader move towards liberalizing international telecommunications markets so as to permit increased reliance on competitive forces.
The typical Signatory is the dominant telecommunications service provider in that country. With a few exceptions, this is a ministry of the government, such as the Ministry of Post, Telegraph, and Telephone (PTT). Thus, in most countries (86% according to one estimate), the same entity participates in INTELSAT and controls access to the local telecommunications networks. Moreover, while governments (i.e., Parties) in principle have the ultimate oversight authority, in practice this oversight may be weak: in most cases (92% according to one estimate) Parties have assigned the Signatory as their accredited representative in the Assembly of Parties.
2. Financing and Compensation Arrangements
INTELSAT Signatories make capital and pay space segment
charges to finance ongoing operations. Capital contribution and
compensation are proportional to a Signatory's investment share,
which is based on utilization of INTELSAT services and can change
over time. INTELSAT sets prices to achieve a target rate of
return on capital, chosen by its governing body. From 1973 to
1991 the organization's cumulative rate of return was 15.9%. The
target return on INTELSAT was set at 20% in July 1994. INTELSAT
has recently earned returns in nearly this high. These returns
were paid out to Signatories in proportion to capital invested.
The total rate of return on INTELSAT investments by Signatories probably exceeds the direct compensation for use of capital (i.e. 15.9% annual average rate of return over 1973-1991) because, in most countries, Signatories also sell satellite services to end users, often earning a profit margin also on these sales. These pricing issues are discussed further in Section III.
1. Competition From Fiber Optic Cable
Technological change has produced dramatic increases in the
carrying capabilities of fiber optic cables, and allowed them to
begin to underprice satellites in providing connections for point
to point traffic over the international routes with the largest
traffic streams. Moreover, once fiber optic cable is laid, its
operating costs are probably no higher than those of satellite
transmissions. Fiber optic cable can carry the same
transmissions as satellites and is technically superior to
satellites for interactive service (e.g. voice) because satellite
transmission involves an echo delay. Accordingly, satellites are
losing to fiber optic cable much of the communications services
that can conveniently be transmitted by cable, especially
2. Increasing Competition in the
Market for Satellite Services
For many telecommunications services, fiber optic cable
transmission is unlikely to become a good substitute for
satellite services, at least in the near term. (i) Telephony in
remote areas. Fiber optic cable does not reach all portions of
the world. While cable will soon connect most major cities in
the developed world and most major seashore communities in the
less developed world, the interior of less developed countries
(and perhaps also smaller cities and rural areas in developed
countries) is unlikely to be penetrated by fiber optic cable for
many years. (ii) Provision of broadband services to individual
users. Even when fiber reaches a region, the circuit must be
completed to individual users via the local telephone system.
Those "last miles" are commonly ill-suited to carrying broadband
(e.g. video and some data) services which require a capacity for
data movement that commonly exceeds even that of current fiber
optic technology. Consequently, satellite communications will
likely be preferred for broadband transmissions until technology
improves fiber's ability to carry broadband services. (iii)
Point-to-multipoint service. Satellites may have a significant
cost advantage over fiber optic cable for point-to-multipoint
broadcast or dispatch services because satellites eliminate the
need for multiple transmission. In sum, fiber optic cable is not
always a good substitute for satellites.
Before concluding that there is a continuing need for INTELSAT, however, one should consider whether provision of satellite services is a natural monopoly. The answer seems to be no. Economies of scale in ground stations have decreased. Initially, only powerful, expensive earth stations were able to receive the weak signals transmitted by satellites. As satellite signal strength has increased, this has allowed the size of antennas to shrink; also, the price of transmitting and receiving equipment has fallen. As a result, it has become cost-effective for a greater number of users to own "earth stations" (sometimes these are antennas only 18 inches in diameter that attach to the side of a house) to serve their communications needs.1 Also, while INTELSAT in the early days might have possessed some unique know-how about operating a satellite system, such know-how is now more widespread, allowing for multiple providers of satellite services.
Independent satellite systems are carrying traffic once handled almost exclusively by INTELSAT. One satellite services provider, PanAmSat, is likely to compete globally with INTELSAT soon in broad band services (with about one-fifth of INTELSAT's capacity). Two other providers, Orion and Columbia, are soon likely to cover 2/3 of the globe. In addition, regional commercial satellite systems and governmental satellite systems compete with INTELSAT in those national or regional areas that they serve.
Thus, examination of the natural monopoly and public good aspects of international telecommunications suggests that, at least with respect to INTELSAT's original core functions, these potential reasons for government intervention have declined over time. Correspondingly, public authorities should consider reducing the scope of INTELSAT's activities to areas where either natural monopoly or public goods arguments are valid, and encourage reliance on competition in the remaining markets. We discuss issues of universal access further in section III.
1. Ownership of Scarce Geostationary Orbital Slots
There are approximately 180 geostationary orbital slots in
any satellite frequency band, though the precise feasible number
depends in part on system technology and the radio spectrum the
satellite employs. Currently, INTELSAT has registered plans for
31 slots and operates satellites in 23 of them.
Technical coordination for new entrants in GEO orbital slots is becoming increasingly difficult as a greater number of nations and regions launch satellites to serve their needs. A satellite system using GEO orbits requires approximately three properly positioned satellites to achieve global coverage. The scarcity of slots over particular regions, such as the Atlantic Ocean, would likely create the greatest difficulty for a new entrant seeking to provide world-wide service in competition with INTELSAT. Despite these concerns, it appears that potential INTELSAT competitors have been able to obtain the necessary GEO slots to operate their networks.
But entrants must coordinate their positioning and operations with incumbents to avoid interference. INTELSAT's widespread presence gives it the potential ability to delay entry by dragging its feet in negotiations and, perhaps more importantly, the negotiations over "coordination" might give it insights into competitors business plans.2
2. Denial of Equal Access by Governments or Signatories
Denial of access on equal terms to national markets may well
be the primary remaining barrier to entry for private satellite
organizations. In general, a license is required for a satellite
services provider to gain access (i.e. acquire landing rights for
its signal) to a national market. In addition, to provide
switched-voice telephone service, a potential competitor must
also obtain access to the national public switched network (PSN),
a network often controlled by the INTELSAT Signatory -- typically
the dominant telecom provider.
3. Cross Subsidization, Tax Preferences,
and Immunities
INTELSAT's tax preference and certain immunities (e.g. from
restrictions imposed by competition laws) give it additional
artificial advantages over private potential competitors. In
addition, INTELSAT Signatories typically operate also in
regulated markets where they are subject to constraints on
profits, and may have incentives to circumvent such constraints
by cross subsidizing their operations in unregulated markets
(thereby shifting costs to the regulated markets and "justifying"
higher rates there). Such cross subsidization gives an
artificial advantage over competitors, as discussed further
INTELSAT, the argument goes, mitigates such overpricing by establishing some "vertical integration," which gives the monopolists over ground segments a direct stake in satellite profits and vice versa. This helps internalize some of the negative externality between pricing of ground and of space segments as compared with having an independent monopolist on the satellite segment. There remains a substantial overpricing incentive due to the fact that there are independent land-facility monopolists in the different countries. Conceivably INTELSAT helps mitigate this problem too, by providing a convenient forum for reaching bilateral quid-pro-quo arrangements whereby both countries reduce access charges. Correspondingly, things could be made worse not better by restructuring INTELSAT to delegate provision of satellite services to independent entities that still possessed considerable market power. Such market power might persist in the short run if satellite capacity ownership and rights to GEO slots remain concentrated.
The goal, however, would not be to replace INTELSAT by private satellite providers with market power, but by competition. Competition would eliminate the need for vertical integration between earth and space segments (integration that INTELSAT only approximates) for the purpose of reducing prices of satellite services.
The problem remains of how to mitigate the over-pricing incentives arising from the existence of separate ground-based monopolists in some countries. The first-best solution is to foster competition in those markets wherever possible. Advances in technology are making competition possible in many sectors once thought to be natural monopolies; often the main remaining barrier consists of government regulations. Some markets -- especially smaller and less densely populated ones -- may remain natural monopolies. The proper policy response there, however, is national regulation of the access fees and terms that such monopolies charge for interconnection to satellite services, but in a manner that assures a globally efficient utilization level.
Reaching such a solution would likely require agreements among governments, agreements that may not be easy to reach.3 But such access agreements would strike at the heart of the major barrier to competition in telecom services more broadly.
Indeed, some would argue that introducing competition into satellite services alone is only a part, perhaps a small part, of the solution. Broader liberalization of telecom access terms is desirable. We share this view. Also, some might argue that there will be transition costs, as private providers learn to make alternative interconnection arrangements to replace those currently provided by INTELSAT. But this is only a transition problem; private providers have proven adept at putting together seamless networks in other contexts. Therefore we should not let such considerations distract us from moving in the right direction, of increased reliance on private sector competition wherever possible, unhampered by regulatory and other governmental distortions.
The argument that cross subsidies are justified as an efficient way to provide global telecom services to developing countries requires careful scrutiny. The cash-equivalent value of such subsidies is probably relatively small; unrestricted direct aid equal to this amount would seem to be a superior route, as it would avoid potentially large distortions to the global telecom industry.
An argument against such unrestricted cash assistance is specific egalitarianism: according to this argument, assistance-in-kind is superior for certain critical goods or services about whose value the recipient is less informed than the donor. It is difficult, however, to make a serious case that developing countries do not recognize the value of global connectivity. With or without cross subsidies, it is likely that most developing countries will find it worthwhile to become connected to global telecommunications. And while global connectivity would not necessarily be provided to all regions within a country, the policy choice of whether and how to encourage such additional internal connectivity would seem to be best left to countries themselves. Finally, to the extent one believes it desirable to encourage further connectivity beyond the level that LDCs would select, restricted cash transfers (earmarked for this purpose) are probably preferable to subsidies via a distorted telecom industry.
A different type of argument for subsidizing global connectivity to developing countries is based on the positive externalities created for users in developed countries: the value of a telecommunications network increases as the number of participants grows. However, private providers can largely capture ("internalize") such externalities by operating in all countries. Indeed, private telephone carriers provide services to numerous developing countries.
In short, advocates of the cross-subsidization rationale should articulate precisely and document which worthwhile services will go unprovided under competition. Evidence of the absence of private provision in the current regime has to be treated carefully -- many developing countries have never welcomed private foreign telecom providers. Hence, it is government regulatory policy rather than "market failure" which often is to blame for the absence of some services. It is quite possible that the truly "life line services" that would go unprovided in a competitive regime would be fairly limited and the "large INTELSAT" response is disproportionate to the size of the underlying problem.
To the extent that certain worthwhile services would not be provided under competition, the question remains whether it is better to finance such unprofitable services through opaque cross subsidies in the context of a quasi-governmental body like INTELSAT than through more transparent mechanisms. (As an aside, it is worth asking whether in fact INTELSAT currently cross subsidizes in this "intended" direction.) Many economists would argue that superior alternatives do exist or could be devised, including, perhaps the creation of a universal service fund targeted to particular countries or services, and which could be used to procure service from the most efficient providers.
The need to find alternatives to cross subsidies (assuming
that these would be necessary) will in any case become more acute
as competition in global telecom is likely to increase over time,
making cross subsidies increasingly less tenable. Indeed, there
is a certain inconsistency in some of the arguments in favor of
an expanded INTELSAT. One the one hand, it is claimed that
INTELSAT will not exercise monopoly power, and will not therefore
interfere with the efficient functioning of these markets. On
the other hand, it is claimed that the revenues from these
activities are required for funding cross subsidization; bu if
these new markets will be truly competitive, then, seemingly,
there would be no rents to fund cross subsidization.
1. Limiting Access to Competitors
Severing the link between quasi-governmental entities such
as PTTs and the provision of satellite services or other
potentially competitive services is likely to reduce governmental
incentives to deny access for foreign competitors. First, in
many countries satellite services would likely be supplied
entirely by foreign providers, and the absence of domestic
producers would remove the incentive for inefficient protection.
Such a scenario is consistent with the observation that many
commodities are cheapest in countries that lack a domestic
industry, and therefore refrain from protectionism and instead
rely on free trade to deliver these commodities most
economically. Second, to the extent that there will be private
domestic producers, it is typically more difficult politically to
justify protection of such entities than protection of
nationalized entities. Of course, this argument suggests that it
would be a bad idea to force INTELSAT out of a particular service
but allow the PTT later to vertically integrate into such
Indeed, the PTT or other bottleneck monopolist may have the
incentive and ability to deny access for competitors even in
contravention of government wishes. Certain satellite services,
notably switched-voice telephony links, require physical
interconnection to a local network controlled by the PTT
monopolist. The latter can deny such links to competitors in
ways not readily controlled by the less-informed government or
its appointed regulators.
The wider the range of activities in which INTELSAT
operates, and therefore in which the dominant telecom providers
-- the INTELSAT Signatories -- have a financial stake, the
greater is the scope for denial of access to competitors, either
with or without the assent of national governments.
Correspondingly, expanding INTELSAT's range of activities may not
be in the global interest.
2. "Regulatory Evasion" through
Cross Subsidization and Discrimination: If the PTT is
subjected explicitly or implicitly to cost-based regulation, it
has incentives to evade regulation by cross-subsidization of
other, unregulated businesses. Some costs of those businesses
would be misattributed to "core" regulated functions, and used to
justify higher prices there. Such cost shifting would have two
deleterious consequences: it would increase prices in the
"regulated" markets, thereby aggravating the monopoly-pricing
distortions; and it would distort competition in the
unregulated, potentially competitive segment, reducing the market
share of potentially more efficient independent producers.
Observe that the incentive is to cross subsidize the
potentially competitive (unregulated) segments from the "core"
regulated natural monopoly segments. This is important, because
a main defense of a large INTELSAT is the need to cross
subsidize in the other direction, i.e., to use revenue from
unregulated sectors to fund deficits in "lifeline" natural
monopoly segments.
The arguments presented here do not preclude the possibility that
INTELSAT could spin off an efficient, competitive affiliate.
They do, however, indicate that the form of any residual links
between the two (or more) entities will determine whether the
restructuring can meet the competitive objectives that we believe
are of paramount importance.
INTELSAT member nations (Parties) may have incentives to
limit competing satellite systems' access to their national
telecommunications networks in order to protect the profits of
their INTELSAT Signatories. Recall that these Signatories are
often government-owned PTTs or entities with other strong
government affiliations (PTT for brevity). Conceivably, a
government may have such incentives even if acting in the
national interest rather than that of its Signatory, in those
cases where the satellite services market would inherently remain
imperfectly competitive for technological reasons. In such
cases, denying access may yield more profit to the protected
domestic Signatory than it reduces consumer surplus. Such rent
shifting, however, harms foreign independent competitors and
typically reduces global welfare. A more likely scenario is that
denying access does not increase even national welfare, but only that of the PTT.
Operations in Other Markets
A second class of distortions could arise from the fact
that PTTs often are constrained, whether explicitly or
implicitly, in the terms they can charge for core monopoly
services. Participation in other, potentially competitive
markets, such as through INTELSAT could allow them to circumvent
such regulation while introducing several inefficiencies.
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