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August 4, 1983
SUBJECT: Performance of Commercial Activities
1. Purpose. This Circular establishes Federal policy regarding the
performance of commercial activities. The Supplement to the Circular
sets forth procedures for determining whether commercial activities
should be performed under contract with commercial sources or in-house
using Government facilities and personnel.
2. Rescission. OMB Circular No. A-76 (revised), dated March 29, 1979;
Transmittal Memoranda 1 through 7; Supplement No. I to the Circular,
dated March 1979.
3. Authority. The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 (31 U.S.C. 1 et
seq.), and The Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act Amendments of
1979. (41 U.S.C. 401 et seq.).
4. Background.
a. In the process of governing, the Government should not compete
with its citizens. The competitive enterprise system, characterized by
individual freedom and initiative, is the primary source of national
economic strength. In recognition of this principle, it has been and
continues to be the general policy of the Government to rely on
commercial sources to supply the products and services the Government
b. This national policy was promulgated through Bureau of the Budget
Bulletins issued in 1955, 1957 and 1960. OMB Circular No. A-76 was
issued in 1966. The Circular was revised in 1967 and again in 1979.
5. Policy. It is the policy of the United States Government to:
a. Achieve Economy and Enhance Productivity. Competition enhances
quality, economy, and productivity. Whenever commercial sector
performance of a Government operated commercial activity is permissible,
in accordance with this Circular and its Supplement, comparison of the
cost of contracting and the cost of in-house performance shall be
performed to determine who will do the work.
b. Retain Governmental Functions In-House. Certain functions are
inherently Governmental in nature, being so intimately related to the
public interest as to mandate performance only by Federal employees.
These functions are not in competition with the commercial sector.
Therefore, these functions shall be performed by Government employees.
c. Rely on the Commercial Sector. The Federal Government shall rely
on commercially available sources to provide commercial products and
services. In accordance with the provisions of this Circular, the
Government shall not start or carry on any activity to provide a
commercial product or service if the product or service can be procured
more economically from a commercial source.
6. Definitions. For purposes of this Circular:
a. A commercial activity is one which is operated by a Federal
executive agency and which provides a product or service which could be
obtained from a commercial source. A commercial activity is not a
Governmental function. A representative list of such activities is
provided in Attachment A. A commercial activity also may be part of an
organization or a type of work that is separable from other functions or
activities and is suitable for performance by contract.
b. A conversion to contract is the changeover of an activity from
Government performance to performance under contract by a commercial
c. A conversion to in-house is the changeover of. an activity from
performance under contract to Government performance.
d. A commercial source is a business or other non-Federal activity
located in the United States, its territories and possessions, the
District of Columbia or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, which provides
a commercial product or service.
e. A Governmental function is a function which is so intimately
related to the public interest as to mandate performance by Government
employees. These functions include those activities which require
either the exercise of discretion in applying Government authority or
the use of value judgment in making decisions for the Government.
Services or products in support of Governmental functions, such as those
listed in Attachment A, are commercial activities and are normally
subject to this Circular. Governmental functions normally fall into two
The act of governing; i.e., the discretionary exercise of
Government authority. Examples include criminal investigations,
prosecutions and other judicial functions; management of Government
programs requiring value judgments, as in direction of the national
defense; management and direction of the Armed Services; activities
performed exclusively by military personnel who are subject to
deployment in a combat, combat support or combat service support
role; conduct of foreign relations; selec- tion of program
priorities; direction of Federal employees; regulation of the use of
space, oceans, navigable rivers and other natural resources;
direction of intelligence and counter-intelligence operations; and
regulation of industry and commerce, including food and drugs.
Monetary transactions and entitlements, such as tax
collection and revenue disbursements; control of the treasury
accounts and money supply; and the administration of public trusts.
f. A cost comparison is the process of developing an estimate of the
cost of Government performance of a commercial activity and comparing
it, in accordance with the requirements in Parts IL III, and IV of the
Supplement, to the cost to the Government for contract performance of
the activity.
g. Directly affected parties are Federal employees and their
representative organizations and bidders or offerors on the instant
7. Scope.
a. Unless otherwise provided by law, this Circular and its
Supplement shall apply to all executive agencies and shall provide
administrative direction to heads of agencies.
b. This Circular and its Supplement apply to printing and binding
only in those agencies or departments which are exempted by law from the
provisions of Title 44 of the U.S. Code.
c. This Circular and its Supplement shall not:
Be applicable when contrary to law, Executive Orders, or
any treaty or international agreement;
Apply to Governmental functions as defined in
paragraph 6.e.;
Apply to the Department of Defense in times of a declared
war or military mobilization;
Provide authority to enter into contracts;
Authorize contracts which establish an employer-employee
relationship between the Government and contractor employees. An
employer-employee relationship involves close, continual supervision
of individual contractor employees by Government employees, as
distinguished from general oversight of contractor operations.
However, limited and necessary interaction between Government
employees and contractor employees, particularly during the
transition period of conversion to contract, does not establish an
employer-employee relationship. Additional guidance on this subject
is provided in the Federal Personnel Manual issued by the Office of
Personnel Management;
Be used to justify conversion to contract solely to avoid
personnel ceilings or salary limitations;
Apply to the conduct of research and development. However,
severable in-house commercial activities in support of research and
development, such as those listed in Attachment A, are normally
subject to this Circular and its Supplement; or
Establish and shall not be construed to create any
substantive or procedural basis for anyone to challenge any agency
action or inaction on the basis that such action or inaction was not
in accordance with this Circular, except as specifically set forth
in Part 1, Chapter 2, paragraph I of the Supplement, "Appeals of
Cost Comparison Decisions."
8. Government Performance of a Commercial Activity. Government
performance of a commercial activity is authorized under any of the
following conditions:
a. No Satisfactory Commercial Source Available. Either no
commercial source is capable of providing the needed product or service,
or use of such a source would cause unacceptable delay or disruption of
an essential program. Findings shall be supported as follows:
If the finding is that no commercial source is capable of
providing the needed product or service, the efforts made to find
commercial sources must be documented and made available to the
public upon request. These efforts shall include, in addition to
consideration of preferential procurement programs (see Part I,
Chapter 3, paragraph C of the Supplement), at least three notices
describing the requirement in the Commerce Business Daily over a
90-day period or, in cases of bona fide urgency, two notices over a
30-day period. Specifications and requirements in the solicitation
shall not be unduly restrictive and shall not exceed those required
of in-house Government personnel or operations.
If the finding is that a commercial source would cause
unacceptable delay or disruption of an agency program, a written
explanation, approved by the assistant secretary or designee in
paragraph 9.a. of the Circular, must show the specific impact on an
agency mission in terms of cost and performance. Urgency alone is
not adequate reason to continue in-house operation of a commercial
activity. Temporary disruption resulting from conversion to
contract is not sufficient support for such a finding, nor is the
possibility of a strike by contract employees. If the commercial
activity has ever been performed by contract, an explanation of how
the instant circumstances differ must be documented. These
decisions must be made available to the public upon request.
Activities may not be justified for in-house performance
solely on the basis that the activity involves or supports a
classified program or the activity is requited to perform an
agency's basic mission.
b. National Defense.
The Secretary of Defense shall establish criteria for
determining when Government performance of a commercial activity is
required for national defense reasons. Such criteria shall be
furnished to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, OMB, upon
Only the Secretary of Defense or his designee has the
authority to exempt commercial activities for national defense
c. Patient Care. Commercial activities performed at hospitals
operated by the Government shall be retained in-house if the agency
head, in consultation with the agency's chief medical director,
determines that in-house performance would be in the best interests of
direct patient care.
d. Lower cost. Government performance of a commercial activity is
authorized if a cost comparison prepared in accordance with Parts II,
III and IV of the Supplement demonstrates that the Government is
operating or can operate the activity on an ongoing basis at an
estimated lower cost than a qualified commercial source.
9. Action Requirements. To ensure that the provisions of this Circular
and its Supplement are followed, each agency head shall:
a. Designate an official at the assistant secretary or equivalent
level and officials at a comparable level in major component
organizations to have responsibility for implementation of this Circular
and its Supplement within the agency.
b. Establish one or more offices as central points of contact to
carry out implementation. These offices shall have access to all
documents and data pertinent to actions taken under the Circular and its
Supplement and will respond in a timely manner to all requests
concerning inventories, schedules, reviews, results of cost comparisons
and cost comparison data.
c. Be guided by OFPP Policy Letter No. 78-3, "Requests for
Disclosure of Contractor-Supplied Information Obtained in the Course of
a Procurement," in considering requests for information supplied by
d. Implement this Circular and its Supplement within 90 days after
its issuance with a minimum of internal instructions. Cost comparisons
shall not be delayed pending issuance of such instructions. Copies of
the implementing instructions and any subsequent changes, the appeals
procedure required in Part I, Chapter 2, Paragraph I of the Supplement,
and the names of the designated officials in paragraph 9.a. and the
offices in paragraph 9.b. will be forwarded to the Office of Federal
Procurement Policy, OMB.
e. Ensure the initial reviews of all existing in-house commercial
activities are completed in accordance with Part I, Chapter 1, paragraph
C.1. of the Supplement by September 30, 1987.
10. Annual Reporting Requirement. No later than March 15 of each year,
agencies shall submit to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy a
report on the implementation of OMB Circular No. A-76, in accordance
with Instructions in Part I, Chapter 4 of the Supplement.
11. OMB Responsibility and Contact Point. All questions or inquiries
should be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget, Office of
Federal Procurement Policy, 726 Jackson Place, NW, Room 9013,
Washington, DC 20503. Telephone number (202) 395-6810.
12. Effective Date. This Circular and its Supplement are effective
immediately, but need not be applied where a cost comparison was begun,
using the March 1979 Circular, prior to the effective date.
13. Review. The policy in this Circular will be reviewed no later than
four years from the date of issuance.
David A. Stockman
Attachment A
OMB Circular No. A-76
Audiovisual Products and Services
Photography (still, movie, aerial, etc.)
Photographic processing (developing, printing, enlarging, etc.)
Film and videotape production (script writing, direction, animation,
editing, acting, etc.)
Microfilming and other microforms
Art and graphics services
Distribution of audiovisual materials
Reproduction and duplication of audiovisual products
Audiovisual facility management and operation
Maintenance of audiovisual equipment
Automatic Data Processing
ADP services - batch processing, time-sharing, facility management, etc.
Programming and systems analysis, design, development, and simulation
Key punching, data entry, transmission, and teleprocessing services
Systems engineering and installation
Equipment installation, operation, and maintenance
Food Services
Operation of cafeterias, mess halls, kitchens, bakeries, dairies, and commissaries
Vending machines
Ice and water
Health Services
Surgical, medical, dental, and psychiatric care
Hospitalization, outpatient, and nursing care
Physical examinations
Eye and hearing examinations and manufacturing and fitting glasses and hearing aids
Medical and dental laboratories
Preventive medicine
Dietary services
Veterinary services
Industrial Shops and Services
Machine, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, painting, and other shops
Industrial gas production and recharging
Equipment and instrument fabrication, repair and calibration
Plumbing, heating, electrical, and air conditioning services, including repair
Fire protection and prevention services
Custodial and janitorial services
Refuse collection and processing
Maintenance, Overhaul, Repair, and Testing
Aircraft and aircraft components
Ships, boats, and components
Motor vehicles
Combat vehicles
Railway systems
Electronic equipment and systems
Weapons and weapon systems
Medical and dental equipment
Office furniture and equipment
Industrial plant equipment
Photographic equipment
Space systems
Management Support Services
Advertising and public relations services
Financial and payroll services
Debt collection
Manufacturing, Fabrication, Processing, Testing, and Packaging
Ordnance equipment
Clothing and fabric products
Liquid, gaseous, and chemical products
Lumber products
Communications and electronics equipment
Rubber and plastic products
Optical and related products
Sheet metal and foundry products
Machined products
Construction materials
Test and instrumentation equipment
Office and Administrative Services
Library operations
Stenographic recording and transcribing
Word processing/data entry/typing services
Management information systems, products and distribution
Financial auditing and services
Compliance auditing
Court reporting
Material management
Supply services
Other Services
Laundry and dry cleaning
Mapping and charting
Architect and engineer services
Geological surveys
Training -- academic, technical, vocational, and specialized Operation of utility
systems (power, gas, water steam, and sewage)
Laboratory testing services
Printing and Reproduction
Facility management and operation
Printing and binding -- where the agency or department is exempted from the provisions
of Title 44 of the U.S. Code
Reproduction, copying, and duplication
Real Property
Design, engineering, construction, modification, repair, and maintenance
of buildings and structures; building mechanical and electrical equipment and
systems; elevators; escalators; moving walks
Construction, alteration, repair, and maintenance of roads and other surfaced areas
Landscaping, drainage, mowing and care of grounds
Dredging of waterways
Guard and protective services
Systems engineering, installation, and maintenance of security systems and
individual privacy systems
Forensic laboratories
Special Studies and Analyses
Cost benefit analyses
Statistical analyses
Scientific data studies
Regulatory studies
Defense, education, energy studies
Legal/litigation studies
Management studies
Systems Engineering, Installation, Operation, Maintenance, and Testing
Communications systems - voice, message, data, radio, wire, microwave, and
Missile ranges
Satellite tracking and data acquisition
Radar detection and tracking
Television systems - studio and transmission equipment, distribution systems,
receivers, antennas, etc.
Recreational areas
Bulk storage facilities
Operation of motor pools
Bus service
Vehicle operation and maintenance
Air, water, and land transportation of people and things
Trucking and hauling