(Transmittal Memorandum No. 1)
SUBJECT: User charges
1. Purpose
2. Rescission
3. Authority
4. Coverage
5. Objectives
6. General Policy
7. Implementation
8. Agency Repsonsibility
9. Disposition of Collections
10. New Activities
11. Inquiries
b. The provisions of the Circular shall be applied by agencies in their assessment of user charges under the IOAA. In addition, this Circular provides guidance to agencies regarding their assessment of user charges under other statutes. This guidance is intended to be applied only to the extent permitted by law. Thus, where a statute prohibits the assessment of a user charge on a service or addresses an aspect of the user charge (e.g., who pays the charge; how much is the charge; where collections are deposited), the statute shall take precedence over the Circular. In such cases (e.g., sale or disposal under Federal surplus property statutes; or fringe benefits for military personnel and civilian employees), the guidance provided by the Circular would apply to the extent that it is not inconsistent with the statute. The same analysis would apply with regard to executive orders that address user charges.
c. In any case where an Office of Management and Budget circular provides guidance concerning a specific user charge area, the guidance of that circular shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this Circular. Examples of such guidance include the following: OMB Circular No. A-45, concerning charges for rental quarters; OMB Circular No. A-130, concerning management of Federal information resources; and OMB Circular No. A-97, concerning provision of specialized technical services to State and Local governments.
b. promote efficient allocation of the Nation's resources by establishing charges for special benefits provided to the recipient that are at least as great as costs to the Government of providing the special benefits; and
c. allow the private sector to compete with the Government without disadvantage in supplying comparable services, resources, or goods where appropriate.
(b) provides business stability or contributes to public confidence in the business activity of the beneficiary (e.g., insuring deposits in commercial banks); or
(c) is performed at the request of or for the convenience of the recipient, and is beyond the services regularly received by other members of the same industry or group or by the general public (e.g., receiving a passport, visa, airman's certificate, or a Custom's inspection after regular duty hours).
(b) Except as provided in Section 6c, user charges will be based on market prices (as defined in Section 6d) when the Government, not acting in its capacity as sovereign, is leasing or selling goods or resources, or is providing a service (e.g., leasing space in federally owned buildings). Under these business- type conditions, user charges need not be limited to the recovery of full cost and may yield net revenues.
(c) User charges will be collected in advance of, or simultaneously with, the rendering of services unless appropriations and authority are provided in advance to allow reimbursable services.
(d) Whenever possible, charges should be set as rates rather than fixed dollar amounts in order to adjust for changes in costs to the Government or changes in market prices of the good, resource, or service provided (as defined in Section 6d).
b. Charges to the direct recipient. Charges will be made to the direct recipient of the special benefit even though all or part of the special benefits may then be passed to others.
c. Exceptions
(b) any other condition exists that, in the opinion of the agency head or his designee, justifies an exception.
d. Determining full cost and market price
(b) Physical overhead, consulting, and other indirect costs including material and supply costs, utilities, insurance, travel, and rents or imputed rents on land, buildings, and equipment. If imputed rental costs are applied, they should include:
(ii) an annual rate of return (equal to the average long- term Treasury bond rate) on land, structures, equipment and other capital resources used.
(c) The management and supervisory costs.
(d) The costs of enforcement, collection, research, establishment of standards, and regulation, including any required environmental impact statements.
(e) Full cost shall be determined or estimated from the best available records of the agency, and new cost accounting systems need not be established solely for this purpose.
(ii) by reference to prevailing prices in competitive markets for goods, resources, or services that are the same or similar to those provided by the Government (e.g., campsites or grazing lands in the general vicinity of private ones) with adjustments as appropriate that reflect demand, level of service, and quality of the good or service.
(b) In the absence of substantial competitive demand, market price will be determined by taking into account the prevailing prices for goods, resources, or services that are the same or substantially similar to those provided by the Government, and then adjusting the supply made available and/or price of the good, resource, or service so that there will be neither a shortage nor a surplus (e.g., campsites in remote areas).
b. When there are statutory prohibitions or limitations on charges, legislation to permit charges to be established should be proposed. In general, legislation should seek to remove restraints on user charges and permit their establishment under the guidelines provided in this Circular. When passage of this general authority seems unlikely, more restrictive authority should be sought. The level of charges proposed should be based on the guidelines in Section 6. When necessary, legislation should:
c. Excise taxes are another means of charging specific beneficiaries for the Government services they receive. New user charges should not be proposed in cases where an excise tax currently finances the Government services that benefit specific individuals. Agencies may consider proposing a new excise tax when it would be significantly cheaper to administer than fees, and the burden of the excise tax would rest almost entirely on the user population (e.g., gasoline tax to finance highway construction). Excise taxes cannot be imposed through administrative action but rather require legislation. Legislation should meet the same criteria as in Section 7b; however, it is necessary to state explicitly the rate of the tax. Agency review of these taxes must be performed periodically and new legislation should be proposed, as appropriate, to update the tax based on changes in cost. Any excise tax proposals must be approved by the Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy at the Department of the Treasury.
d. When developing options to institute user charges administratively, agencies should review all sources of statutory authority in addition to the Independent Offices Appropriations Act that may authorize implementation of such charges.
e. In proposing new charges or modifications to existing ones, managers of other programs that provide special benefits to the same or similar user populations should be consulted. Joint legislative proposals should be made, and joint collection efforts designed to ease the burden on the users should be used, whenever possible.
f. Every effort should be made to keep the costs of collection to a minimum. The principles embodied in Circular No. A-76 (Performance of Commercial Activities) should be considered in designing the collection effort.
g. Legislative proposals must be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with the requirements of Circular No. A-19. To ensure the proper placement of user fee initiatives in the budget account structure, agencies are encouraged to discuss proposals with OMB at an early stage of development.
a. Identify the services and activities covered by this Circular;
b. Determine the extent of the special benefits provided;
c. Apply the principles specified in Section 6 in determining full cost or market price, as appropriate;
d. Apply the guidance in Section 7 either to institute charges through the promulgation of regulations or submit legislation as appropriate;
e. Review the user charges for agency programs biennially, to include: (1) assurance that existing charges are adjusted to reflect unanticipated changes in costs or market values; and (2) a review of all other agency programs to determine whether fees should be assessed for Government services or the user of Government goods or services. Agencies should discuss the results of the biennial review of user fees and any resultant proposals in the Chief Financial Officers Annual Report required by the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990;
f. Ensure that the requirements of OMB Circular No. A- 123 (Internal Control Systems) and appropriate audit standards are applied to collection;
g. Maintain readily accessible records of:
b. Legislative proposals to permit the collections to be retained by the agency may be appropriate in certain circumstances. Proposals should meet the guidelines in Section 7b.
Proposals that allow agency retention of collections may be appropriate when a fee is levied in order to finance a service that is intended to be provided on a substantially self-sustaining basis and thus is dependent upon adequate collections.