OMB Circular A-34

                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                     Sec. No.  Page
Analysis of changes................................... ......  vii
Suggestions for OMB Circular No. A-34................. ......  xiii


Purpose, authority, and application of instructions: Purpose and authority............................... 11.1 I-1 Application of instructions......................... 11.2 I-1 Requirements and modifications...................... 11.3 I-1 Methods and responsibilities for budget execution: Apportionment process............................... 12.1 I-1 Reports on budget execution......................... 12.2 I-1 Responsibilities of agencies........................ 12.3 I-2 Responsibilities of OMB............................. 12.4 I-2 Assistance in preparation of schedules.............. 12.5 I-2 Responsibilities for disclosure with respect to the budget............................................ 12.6 I-2


Terminology: Definitions......................................... 21.1 II-1 Concept of obligations: General concept..................................... 22.1 II-5 Application of concept of obligations: General............................................. 23.1 II-6 Personal services and benefits...................... 23.2 II-6 Travel and transportation........................... 23.3 II-6 Rent, communication and utilities................... 23.4 II-6 Printing and reproduction, other contractual services, supplies and materials, and equipment... 23.5 II-7 Lands and structures................................ 23.6 II-8 Grants and taxes payable to State and local governments....................................... 23.7 II-8 Other grants, subsidies, and contributions.......... 23.8 II-9 Pensions, annuities, insurance claims, refunds, awards, and indemnities........................... 23.9 II-9 Interest and dividends.............................. 23.10 II-9 Investments......................................... 23.11 II-9 Guarantees.......................................... 23.12 II-9


General requirements: Accounting and internal control systems............. 31.1 III-1 Definitions......................................... 31.2 III-1 Fund control regulations............................ 31.3 III-1 Treatment of budgetary resources.................... 31.4 III-1 Review and approval of fund control regulations..... 31.5 III-3 Requirements for reporting Antideficiency Act violations: Adverse personnel actions and penalties............. 32.1 III-3 Requirements to report Antideficiency Act violations 32.2 III-3 Contents of report to the President................. 32.3 III-4 Report to the Congress.............................. 32.4 III-5 Report on GAO findings.............................. 32.5 III-5 OMB-requested investigations and audits............. 32.6 III-5 Timing of reports by agency heads................... 32.7 III-5


Requirements for certain types of accounts: Apportionment requirements and exemptions........... 41.1 IV-1 Basis and nature of apportionments: Basis of apportionment action....................... 42.1 IV-1 Level of apportionments............................. 42.2 IV-1 Types of apportionments............................. 42.3 IV-1 Procedures for requesting changes in the level or time periods of apportionments.................... 42.4 IV-1 Apportionment of available balances................. 42.5 IV-2 Legality of using funds............................. 42.6 IV-2 OMB approval of comments on the apportionment....... 42.7 IV-2 Apportionment of amounts appropriated under continuing resolutions............................ 42.8 IV-2 Basis of apportionment requests: Basing requests on financial plans.................. 43.1 IV-4 Requests anticipating the need for supplemental authority......................................... 43.2 IV-4 Apportionment and reapportionment procedures: Use of Standard Form 132............................ 44.1 IV-5 Coverage of the S.F. 132............................ 44.2 IV-5 Initial apportionments.............................. 44.3 IV-5 Reapportionments.................................... 44.4 IV-5 Adjustments not requiring submission of a reapportionment request........................... 44.5 IV-6 Treatment of automatic adjustments on reapportionment requests.......................... 44.6 IV-6 Supporting data..................................... 44.7 IV-6 Number of copies.................................... 44.8 IV-7 Signature........................................... 44.9 IV-7 Action by OMB....................................... 44.10 IV-7 Explanation of Standard Form 132, Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule: Explanation of form and line entries................ 45.1 IV-7


Application of instructions for reports on budget execution: Coverage of reports................................. 51.1 V-1 Level of detail..................................... 51.2 V-1 Reporting procedures: Timing of reports................................... 52.1 V-1 Supporting data..................................... 52.2 V-1 Informational copies................................ 52.3 V-1 Certification....................................... 52.4 V-1 Explanation of Standard Form 133, Report on Budget Execution: Explanation of report and line entries.............. 53.1 V-1 Agreement of final Report on Budget Execution (S.F. 133) with the President's budget and the Treasury Annual Report Appendix............................ 53.2 V-8


General information and requirements: General............................................. 61.1 VI-1 Coverage............................................ 61.2 VI-1 Requirement for appropriations...................... 61.3 VI-1 Terminology and concepts: General............................................. 62.1 VI-1 General definitions................................. 62.2 VI-1 Interest computation................................ 62.3 VI-3 Administrative expenses............................. 62.4 VI-4 The credit subsidy model............................ 62.5 VI-5 Direct and guaranteed loan transactions: Risk categories..................................... 63.1 VI-5 Initial estimate of the subsidy cost................ 63.2 VI-6 Negative subsidy costs.............................. 63.3 VI-6 Loan disbursement................................... 63.4 VI-7 Non-subsidy collections............................. 63.5 VI-7 Reestimates: General............................................. 64.1 VI-8 Interest rate reestimates........................... 64.2 VI-8 Technical/default reestimates....................... 64.3 VI-9 Procedures for calculating interest and technical/default reestimates..................... 64.4 VI-9 Closing reestimates................................. 64.5 VI-9 Interest on reestimates............................. 64.6 VI-9 Reestimate recording procedures..................... 64.7 VI-9 Timing of reestimates............................... 64.8 VI-10 Modifications: General............................................. 65.1 VI-10 Modification cost................................... 65.2 VI-11 Estimating the modification cost.................... 65.3 VI-11 Credit accounting recording......................... 65.4 VI-11 Credit apportionment and reapportionmments: Basis for apportionment............................. 66.1 VI-12 Timing of requests.................................. 66.2 VI-12 Types of apportionment.............................. 66.3 VI-12 Reporting format and procedures..................... 66.4 VI-12 Subsidy rates for apportionment..................... 66.5 VI-12 Direct loan apportionment and reapportionment schedule (SF 142DL) and line entries.............. 66.6 VI-13 Guaranteed loan apportionment and reapportionment schedule (SF 142GL) and line entries.............. 66.7 VI-15 Reports on credit execution: General............................................. 67.1 VI-18 Reporting format and procedures..................... 67.2 VI-18 Reports on credit execution--direct loans........... 67.3 VI-18 Reports on credit execution--guaranteed loans....... 67.4 VI-21 Closing accounts: General............................................. 68.1 VI-25 Program accounts.................................... 68.2 VI-25 Financing accounts.................................. 68.3 VI-25 Liquidating accounts................................ 68.4 VI-25 Reappropriation..................................... 68.5 VI-26 Fund control and credit accounting systems: General............................................. 69.1 VI-26 Review and approval of credit fund control systems.. 69.2 VI-26 Requirements to report Antideficiency Act violations 69.3 VI-26


General requirements and terminology: Purpose and authority............................... 71.1 VII-1 General requirement................................. 71.2 VII-1 Rescissions......................................... 71.3 VII-1 Deferrals........................................... 71.4 VII-1 Reserves established under the Antideficiency Act... 71.5 VII-2 Withholdings under continuing resolutions........... 71.6 VII-2 Withholdings under multi-year apportionments........ 71.7 VII-2 Reporting procedures: Reports to Congress................................. 72.1 VII-2 Materials required for special messages............. 72.2 VII-2 Materials required for supplementary messages....... 72.3 VII-3 Cumulative reports.................................. 72.4 VII-3 Timing of submissions to OMB........................ 72.5 VII-3 OMB responsibilities................................ 72.6 VII-4 Review of deferrals................................. 72.7 VII-4 Proposals to lower limitations on trust or revolving funds............................................. 72.8 VII-4 Apportionment action following enactment of rescissions....................................... 72.9 VII-4 Release of withholdings necessitated by congressional action or inaction.................. 72.10 VII-5 Explanation of Standard Form 132 for rescissions and deferrals: General information................................. 73.1 VII-5 Use of Standard Form 132............................ 73.2 VII-6 Use of Standard Form 133............................ 73.3 VII-7 Preparation of rescission, deferral, and supplementary reports: Instructions on preparing rescission, deferral, and supplementary reports............................. 74.1 VII-7


Transfers between appropriation and fund accounts: General principles and application of instructions.. 81.1 VIII-1 Transfers for the purposes of the transferring account........................................... 81.2 VIII-1 Transfers for the purposes of the receiving account. 81.3 VIII-2 Temporary charges and credits between accounts...... 81.4 VIII-3 Investments in U.S. Government securities: General policy...................................... 82.1 VIII-3 Treatment of principal.............................. 82.2 VIII-3 Treatment of discounts, premiums, and interest...... 82.3 VIII-3 Foreign currency: Apportionments and reports.......................... 83.1 VIII-5 "Immediately available" appropriations: Apportionments and reports for immediately available appropriations.................................... 84.1 VIII-5 Transactions and balances of revolving funds: Obligations of revolving funds...................... 85.1 VIII-6 Writeoffs of receivables............................ 85.2 VIII-6 Meaning of unapportioned balances................... 85.3 VIII-6 Antideficiency Act violations in revolving funds.... 85.4 VIII-6 Funds appropriated to the President: Original distribution of budget authority........... 86.1 VIII-7 Interagency allocations............................. 86.2 VIII-7 Apportionments and reports.......................... 86.3 VIII-7 Appropriations coordinated by OMB................... 86.4 VIII-7 Monitoring federal employment: FTE policy.......................................... 88.1 VIII-7 Reporting requirement............................... 88.2 VIII-7 Format of the plan.................................. 88.3 VIII-8


Monitoring federal outlays: Purpose............................................. 91.1 IX-1 Coverage............................................ 91.2 IX-1 Reporting requirements.............................. 91.3 IX-1 OMB and Treasury Department responsibilities........ 91.4 IX-2 Timing of submissions............................... 91.5 IX-2


Reports on unvouchered expenditures: Background.......................................... 101.1 X-1 Definition.......................................... 101.2 X-1 Basis for exemptions................................ 101.3 X-1 Coverage............................................ 101.4 X-1 Requirements........................................ 101.5 X-1 OMB responsibilities................................ 101.6 X-1


Expired and cancelled appropriations: Background.......................................... 111.1 XI-1 The life cycle of appropriations.................... 111.2 XI-1 Authority for closing indefinite appropriations..... 111.3 XI-1 Treatment of unrecorded obligations................. 111.4 XI-1 Treatment of repayments: reporting procedures for reports of budget execution....................... 111.5 XI-1 The expired phase: budget execution reporting procedures........................................ 111.6 XI-4 The expired phase: obligation adjustments for contract changes.................................. 111.7 XI-5 The expired phase: alternatives for payment of old obligations....................................... 111.8 XI-5 Cancelled accounts: procedures for reports of budget execution......................................... 111.9 XI-5 The cancelled phase: payments....................... 111.10 XI-6 The cancelled phase: one percent apportionment requirement....................................... 111.11 XI-6 Antideficiency Act violations....................... 111.12 XI-6 APPENDICES Appendix A: Crosswalk between Antideficiency Act and Title 31--Money and finance....................... ...... A-1 Appendix B: Checklist for fund control regulations.. ...... B-1 EXHIBITS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Exhibit No. Page ---------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Terminology and concepts: Transfers of budgetary resources among Federal Government accounts............................... 21 Exh-1 III. Agency accounting and fund control systems: Antideficiency Act violation: sample letter to the President......................................... 32 Exh-3 IV. Apportionments and reapportioments: One-year appropriation--Initial apportionment....... 45A Exh-5 No-year appropriation--Initial apportionment........ 45B Exh-6 No-year appropriation--Reapportionment.............. 45C Exh-7 Appropriations under continuing resolution.......... 45D Exh-8 Reapportionment following a continuing resolution... 45E Exh-10 Public enterprise (revolving) or intragovernmental (revolving) fund--Reapportionment................. 45F Exh-11 Trust fund limitation............................... 45G Exh-12 Negative amount due to reduced unobligated balance.. 45H Exh-13 V. Reports on budget execution: Annual account--Final report........................ 53A Exh-15 Annual account--Quarterly report.................... 53B Exh-16 No-year account--Quarterly report................... 53C Exh-17 Public enterprise (revolving) or intragovernmental (revolving) fund--Quarterly report................ 53D Exh-18 VI. Credit apportionment and budget execution: Direct loan program interest computation............ 62A Exh-19 Direct loan program interest computations on unused borrowing......................................... 62B Exh-20 Direct loan program interest computations on prior year borrowing.................................... 62C Exh-21 Direct loan program weighted average interest rate.. 62D Exh-22 Direct loan program current year collections and related interest income........................... 62E Exh-23 Direct loan interest computations--Total interest income and interest expense....................... 62F Exh-24 Direct loan program interest computation--Annual principal repayment to Treasury................... 62G Exh-25 Direct loan interest computations--Debt to Treasury at end of current fiscal year..................... 62H Exh-26 Guaranteed loan program interest income and expense computations--Revised weighted average interest rate.............................................. 62I Exh-27 Guaranteed loan program interest income and expense computations--Interest income on current year transactions...................................... 62J Exh-28 Guaranteed loan program interest income and expense computations--Interest income on prior year balances.......................................... 62K Exh-29 Guaranteed loan program interest income and expense computations--Year end cash balance............... 62L Exh-30 Initial direct loan apportionment of both program and financing accounts............................ 66A Exh-31 Initial guaranteed loan apportionment of the program and financing accounts............................ 66B Exh-32 Direct loan program account credit execution final report............................................ 67A Exh-35 Direct loan financing account credit execution final report............................................ 67B Exh-36 Guaranteed loan program account credit execution final report...................................... 67C Exh-37 Guaranteed loan financing account credit execution final report...................................... 67D Exh-38 VII. Rescission proposals and deferrals: Rescission report--simple rescission proposal....... 72A Exh-41 Proposed rescission appropriation language for rescission proposal reported in exhibit 72A....... 72B Exh-42 Apportionment or reapportionment request for rescission proposal reported in exhibit 72A....... 72C Exh-43 Deferral report..................................... 72D Exh-44 Apportionment or reapportionment request for rescission proposal reported in exhibit 72D....... 72E Exh-45 Supplementary report--Revision of deferral reported in exhibit 72D.................................... 72F Exh-46 Revised deferral report--Revision of deferral reported in exhibit 72D........................... 72G Exh-47 Apportionment or reapportionment request for revised deferral proposal reported in exhibit 72F......... 72H Exh-48 Apportionment or reapportionment request deferral reported in exhibits 72E-H overturned by Congress. 72I Exh-49 Apportionment or reapportionment request--Congressionally-initiated deferral for account illustrated in exhibit 45C................ 72J Exh-50 VIII. Instructions for special types of transactions: U.S. Government security purchased at a discount--Special, trust, and revolving funds..... 82A Exh-51 U.S. Government security in exhibit 82A sold or redeemed at par--Special or trust fund............ 82B Exh-52 U.S. Government security in exhibit 82A sold or redeemed at par--Revolving fund................... 82C Exh-53 U.S. Government security purchased at a premium--Special or trust fund.................... 82D Exh-54 U.S. Government security in exhibit 82A purchased at a premium--Revolving fund......................... 82E Exh-55 U.S. Government security sold at a discount--Revolving fund.......................... 82F Exh-56 IX. Monitoring federal outlays: Reports on outlays--Agency and program coverage..... 91A Exh-57 Reports on outlays--Initial report.................. 91B Exh-61 X. Reports on unvouchered expenditures: List of accounts containing unvouchered expenditures 101 Exh-63 XI. Procedures for closing accounts: Illustration of a life cycle of an appropriation.... 111 Exh-65

INDEX................................................. ...... Ind-1
