SUBPART D - After-the-Award Requirements

.70 Purpose. Sections .71 through .73 contain closeout procedures and other procedures for subsequent disallowances and adjustments.

.71 Closeout procedures.

(a) Recipients shall submit, within 90 calendar days after the date of completion of the award, all financial, performance, and other reports as required by the terms and conditions of the award. The Federal awarding agency may approve extensions when requested by the recipient.

(b) Unless the Federal awarding agency authorizes an extension, a recipient shall liquidate all obligations incurred under the award not later than 90 calendar days after the funding period or the date of completion as specified in the terms and conditions of the award or in agency implementing instructions.

(c) The Federal awarding agency shall make prompt payments to a recipient for allowable reimbursable costs under the award being closed out.

(d) The recipient shall promptly refund any balances of unobligated cash that the Federal awarding agency has advanced or paid and that is not authorized to be retained by the recipient for use in other projects. OMB Circular A-129 governs unreturned amounts that become delinquent debts.

(e) When authorized by the terms and conditions of the award, the Federal awarding agency shall make a settlement for any upward or downward adjustments to the Federal share of costs after closeout reports are received.

(f) The recipient shall account for any real and personal property acquired with Federal funds or received from the Federal Government in accordance with Sections .31 through .37.

(g) In the event a final audit has not been performed prior to the closeout of an award, the Federal awarding agency shall retain the right to recover an appropriate amount after fully considering the recommendations on disallowed costs resulting from the final audit.

.72 Subsequent adjustments and continuing responsibilities.

(a) The closeout of an award does not affect any of the following.

  1. The right of the Federal awarding agency to disallow costs and recover funds on the basis of a later audit or other review.

  2. The obligation of the recipient to return any funds due as a result of later refunds, corrections, or other transactions.

  3. Audit requirements in Section .26.

  4. Property management requirements in Sections .31 through .37.

  5. Records retention as required in Section .53.

(b) After closeout of an award, a relationship created under an award may be modified or ended in whole or in part with the consent of the Federal awarding agency and the recipient, provided the responsibilities of the recipient referred to in paragraph .73(a), including those for property management as applicable, are considered and provisions made for continuing responsibilities of the recipient, as appropriate.

.73 Collection of amounts due.

(a) Any funds paid to a recipient in excess of the amount to which the recipient is finally determined to be entitled under the terms and conditions of the award constitute a debt to the Federal Government. If not paid within a reasonable period after the demand for payment, the Federal awarding agency may reduce the debt by (1), (2) or (3).

  1. Making an administrative offset against other requests for reimbursements.

  2. Withholding advance payments otherwise due to the recipient.

  3. Taking other action permitted by statute.

(b) Except as otherwise provided by law, the Federal awarding agency shall charge interest on an overdue debt in accordance with 4 CFR Chapter II, "Federal Claims Collection Standards."