Supplemental Summary of the FY 1996 Budget:
Preliminary Materials

Last month, the President announced his plan to balance the budget by FY 2005, cut taxes for middle-income Americans, and increase investments in education and training.

The President's plan builds upon the policies of the Administration's first two and one-half years that cut the deficit, created seven million jobs, controlled interest rates and inflation, expanded trade to create more high-wage jobs, and rewarded work by cutting taxes for 15 million families. The President is also building on his efforts to create a new kind of government, one that creates opportunity, not bureaucracy, and provides the tools that average Americans need to build better lives for themselves and their families.

The President's plan to balance the budget within a reasonable period of time would protect Medicare and Medicaid, invest in education and training and other priorities, and provide a targeted tax cut to help middle-income Americans raise their children, save for the future, and pay for postsecondary education.

To reach balance, the President would eliminate wasteful spending, streamline programs, and end unneeded subsidies; take the first serious steps toward health care reform; reform welfare to reward work; and cut non-defense discretionary spending, aside from the President's investments, by 22 percent in real terms.

The Administration wants to work with the Congress on the important goal of balancing the Federal budget but continues to have grave concerns about the approach outlined in the Congressional Budget Resolution. That plan balances the budget too quickly--over seven years--and provides for a huge tax cut, the benefits of which would flow disproportionately to the wealthy. To reach balance under these conditions, the congressional plan cuts deeply into Medicare and Medicaid and cuts virtually everything else--including investments in education and training, in science and technology, and in other areas that would help raise average living standards in the future.

The following tables provide a brief overview of the President's 10-year balanced budget plan. The Administration is currently carrying on the difficult process of updating the 10-year estimates for revisions in economic assumptions, technical reestimates, and legislation enacted since the release of the February budget. These updated estimates, along with other required information, will be transmitted in two weeks.


  (Seven-year totals compared to OMB capped baseline, in billions of dollars)

                                      1996                       Confer- President's
                                     Budget     House   Senate    ence      Plan
 Discretionary\1\..................     -198     -463     -522     -490     -201
  Department of Defense--military.. ........       43      -24        8       -3
  Other............................     -198     -506     -497     -498     -198
 Mandatory.........................      -44     -669     -626     -620     -202
   Extenders.......................      -28      -28      -28      -28      -28
   Additional cuts................. ........     -255     -222     -237      -99
   Increased benefits.............. ........ ........ ........ ........       27
  Medicaid.........................        1     -189     -177     -184      -54
  Health reform (net, including
   extenders)...................... ........ ........ ........ ........     -152
  Farm.............................       -3      -17      -12      -13       -4
  Veterans.........................       -6       -6      -10       -6       -6
  Civil service.................... ........       -3       -7       -1 ........
  Poverty..........................       -2     -128     -113     -112      -38
  Spectrum.........................       -5      -15      -25      -14      -14
  Other............................       -1      -28      -31      -25       13
 Net interest......................      -27     -272     -321     -280     -169
Revenues...........................       94      340      161      250       96
Corporate subsidies................ ........      -25 ........ ........      -25
  \1\President's plan includes major increases in key education and training

                               Table 2. PROPOSED YEAR-BY-YEAR SAVINGS IN THE PRESIDENT'S PLAN

                                                  (In billions of dollars)

              Category                1996     1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002     2003    
2004     2005
Baseline deficit...................     -201     -218     -209     -221     -229     -235     -240     -248    
-255     -266

Entitlements.......................        8       13       19       25       35       45       60       69       81       95
 Medicare savings..................        4        6       10       16       23       30       39       45       55      
 Medicaid savings..................        4        4        6        7        9       11       13       15       17       19
 Health coverage................... ........       -3       -4       -4       -5       -5       -5       -6       -6       -7
 Welfare reform....................        2        4        5        6        6        7        7        8        8        8
 Other.............................       -1        2        2        1        1        2        6        7        7        7

Discretionary......................       13       11       14       25       35       46       57       72       86     
 Department of Defense--military...        *        *        * ........ ........        *        2       10       18      
 Other.............................       12       11       14       25       35       46       55       62       67       74

Interest...........................        2        5       12       22       34       46       61       79       97      117

Corporate subsidies................        1        2        3        4        5        5        5        6        6        6

Revenue  changes...................       -3      -11      -12      -16      -21      -23      -24      -25      -23     
Deficit (-) or surplus.............     -181     -198     -173     -161     -142     -117      -82      -47       -9 
  *$500 million or less.

                                        Table 3. PROPOSED YEAR-BY-YEAR TOTALS FOR THE PRESIDENT'S PLAN

                                                           (In billions of dollars)

              Category                1995     1996     1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002    
2003     2004     2005    10-year
  Department of Defense--military..      261      251      247      245      250      259      266      272   
  272      272      272    2,605
  Other............................      289      292      299      298      297      296      295      296      300     
305      310    2,989
   Subtotal, discretionary.........      550      542      545      543      548      555      561      568     
572      577      582    5,594
   Medicare........................      154      172      186      199      213      227      243      260      282   
  304      326    2,411
   Medicaid........................       88       92      100      109      117      127      138      150      163     
177      193    1,367
   Other........................... ........ ........        3        4        4        4        4        5        5        5        6    
    Subtotal, health...............      243      264      290      312      334      358      386      415      450  
   486      524    3,818
  Other............................      508      536      570      597      628      660      691      720      754     
791      830    6,776
    Subtotal, mandatory............      751      800      860      908      962    1,018    1,076    1,135   
1,204    1,278    1,355   10,594
 Net interest......................      234      255      266      272      278      281      283      283      280    
 277      273    2,749
 Total, outlays....................    1,535    1,597    1,671    1,723    1,787    1,854    1,921    1,986   
2,056    2,132    2,210   18,937
 Receipts..........................    1,346    1,416    1,473    1,550    1,626    1,712    1,804    1,904   
2,009    2,123    2,238   17,856
 Deficit (-) or surplus............     -189     -181     -198     -173     -161     -142     -117      -82     
-47       -9       28   -1,081

                                          Table 4. PROPOSED DISCRETIONARY SPENDING BY FUNCTION

                                                        (In billions of dollars)

                                                                              Budget Authority
                    Function               1995     1996     1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002    
2003     2004     2005
050  National defense.................    262.7    258.2    253.9    260.2    266.8    276.5    286.9   
286.9    287.4    287.5    287.6
150  International affairs............     20.1     21.2     19.8     19.4     19.1     18.7     18.2     17.9    
17.8     17.8     17.8
250  General science, space and tech-
       nology.........................     16.8     17.2     16.7     16.4     16.2     16.1     16.1     15.9     16.1  
  16.1     16.0
270  Energy...........................      6.1      5.7      5.1      5.0      4.8      4.3      4.4      4.4      5.4     
5.5      5.6
300  Natural resources and environment     20.5     21.7     20.8     20.1     19.8     19.5     19.4    
19.4     19.5     19.6     19.6
350  Agriculture......................      4.0      4.0      3.9      3.7      3.6      3.5      3.6      3.6      3.6     
3.6      3.6
370  Commerce and housing credit......      3.5      3.5      3.5      3.4      3.1      5.2      3.2      3.1    
 3.2      3.4      3.3
400  Transportation...................     11.8     37.1     38.5     37.9     34.9     34.2     34.2     34.2    
34.3     34.4     34.6
450  Community and regional develop-
       ment...........................      8.6      9.3      8.3      8.2      8.2      8.2      8.2      8.3      8.3      8.3 
500  Education, training, employment
       and social services............     39.7     44.1     45.3     46.3     47.1     48.1     49.3     50.5    
51.7     53.1     54.5
550  Health...........................     22.7     23.7     23.3     23.7     24.1     24.5     24.9     25.3    
25.8     26.3     26.8
570  Medicare.........................      3.0      3.2      3.2      3.2      3.2      3.1      3.1      3.1      3.1     
3.1      3.1
600  Income security..................     27.5     33.2     32.7     43.5     39.0     38.2     41.4     43.9    
45.7     47.5     49.1
650  Social security.................. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........
700  Veterans benefits and services...     18.3     19.3     18.8     18.4     18.0     17.6     17.3    
17.8     18.7     19.4     20.1
750  Administration of justice........     18.2     21.8     22.4     23.1     24.3     24.7     23.5     22.4   
 22.8     23.2     23.5
800  General government...............     11.2     13.6     12.4     12.2     12.1     12.0     12.0     13.0   
 13.1     13.1     13.2
920  Allowances.......................     -0.5     -0.4      1.3      1.1      1.1      1.0      1.0      1.0      1.0    
 1.0      1.0
950  Undistributed offsetting receipts ........ ........ ........ ........     -0.5     -0.5     -0.5     -0.5     -0.5
........      0.2
     Total, discretionary.............    494.2    536.5    529.9    545.9    544.8    554.8    566.5    570.3 
  577.1    583.0    588.1

                    Function               1995     1996     1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002    
2003     2004     2005
050  National defense.................    272.1    261.5    257.2    254.9    260.2    268.3    275.7   
281.1    281.6    282.3    282.7
150  International affairs............     21.4     20.9     20.9     20.7     20.0     19.2     18.6     18.2    
17.9     17.8     17.7
250  General science, space and tech-
       nology.........................     15.8     16.7     16.7     16.4     16.1     16.1     16.0     15.9     16.0  
  16.0     16.1
270  Energy...........................      6.5      6.2      5.8      5.4      5.0      4.3      4.3      4.4      5.2     
5.4      5.6
300  Natural resources and environment     21.5     21.4     21.2     20.9     20.3     19.7     19.8    
19.6     19.6     19.6     19.7
350  Agriculture......................      4.2      4.1      4.0      3.8      3.7      3.6      3.7      3.7      3.7     
3.7      3.7
370  Commerce and housing credit......      3.7      3.3      3.5      3.5      3.3      5.2      3.3      3.2    
 3.3      3.4      3.4
400  Transportation...................     38.7     38.2     37.6     37.3     37.6     36.4     35.7     35.2    
35.2     35.1     35.1
450  Community and regional develop-
       ment...........................     11.9     10.0      9.9      9.0      8.5      8.3      8.2      8.2      8.2     
8.3      8.3
500  Education, training, employment
       and social services............     40.0     40.4     44.0     45.3     46.3     47.2     48.2     49.4    
50.5     51.8     53.2
550  Health...........................     22.6     23.3     23.3     23.5     23.8     24.2     24.6     25.0    
25.5     26.0     26.5
570  Medicare.........................      2.9      3.2      3.1      3.2      3.2      3.1      3.1      3.1      3.1     
3.1      3.1
600  Income security..................     38.9     38.9     40.2     40.8     42.0     41.9     42.5     43.6    
44.9     46.1     47.3
650  Social security..................      2.4      3.1      3.2      3.0      3.0      2.9      2.9      2.9      2.9     
2.9      2.9
700  Veterans benefits and services...     18.2     19.1     18.9     18.5     18.2     17.8     17.7    
18.0     18.5     19.2     19.9
750  Administration of justice........     17.0     19.5     21.5     22.7     23.6     24.4     24.6     23.3   
 22.6     23.1     23.4
800  General government...............     12.9     12.8     12.7     12.6     12.4     12.0     11.9     12.5   
 12.5     12.6     12.8
920  Allowances.......................     -0.4     -0.4      1.4      1.2      1.1      1.0      1.0      1.0      1.0    
 1.0      1.0
950  Undistributed offsetting receipts ........ ........ ........ ........     -0.5     -0.5     -0.5     -0.5     -0.5
........      0.2
     Total, discretionary.............    550.2    542.1    545.1    542.8    547.7    555.2    561.4    568.0 
  571.8    577.4    582.4

                                       Table 5. PROPOSED CHANGES TO MANDATORY OUTLAYS BY FUNCTION

                                                        (In billions of dollars)

                                                                                                                        7-year   10-year
                                                                                                                         total,   total,
           Function             1996     1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002     2003     2004    
2005  1996-2002 1996-2005
International affairs........     -0.1     -0.1 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........     -0.1    
Energy.......................      0.4      0.9      1.2      1.6      1.5      1.6      1.6      1.6      1.6      1.6     
8.8     13.6
Natural resources and
 environment.................       -*        *      0.1      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2     
0.8      1.4
Agriculture..................     -0.4     -0.7     -0.7     -0.6     -0.6     -0.6     -0.6     -0.6     -0.6     -0.6    
-4.3     -6.1
Commerce and housing credit..       -*      0.1      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2     
0.2      1.0      1.6
Transportation...............       -*       -*       -*     -0.1     -0.1     -0.1     -0.1     -0.1     -0.1     -0.1    
-0.4     -0.5
Community and regional
 development.................        *        *      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1     
0.5      0.8
Education, training,
 employment, and social
 services....................     -0.6     -1.0     -1.3     -1.1     -1.2     -1.2     -1.4     -1.7     -1.8     -1.9    
-7.9    -13.3
Health.......................     -3.7     -1.4     -2.2     -3.2     -4.9     -6.4     -8.1    -10.0    -11.7    -13.3   
-30.0    -64.9
Medicare.....................     -3.3     -5.5     -9.2    -15.5    -22.5    -29.9    -38.3    -44.8    -53.9   
-65.9   -124.2   -288.8
Income security..............     -1.8     -4.2     -5.3     -5.8     -6.5     -6.8     -7.5     -7.9     -8.2     -8.6 
  -37.9    -62.5
Social security..............       -*       -*       -*       -*       -*       -*       -*       -*       -*       -*       -*  
Veterans benefits and
 services....................     -0.1     -0.1     -0.2     -1.3     -1.4     -1.5     -1.6     -1.7     -1.8     -1.9    
-6.2    -11.5
Administration of justice.... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........
General government...........       -*      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1      0.1 
    0.3      0.5
Undistributed offsetting
 receipts....................     -1.0     -4.8     -3.8     -0.4     -0.4     -1.4     -5.1     -5.6     -5.5     -5.5   
-17.0    -33.5
 Total, mandatory............    -10.8    -16.6    -21.1    -26.0    -35.7    -45.9    -60.4    -70.0    -81.3  
 -95.6   -216.4   -463.3
  *$50 million or less.

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