Recent OMB Congressional Testimony
Alice Rivlin before the Senate Judiciary
Committee on proposed Balanced Budget Amendments to the Constitution
Alice Rivlin
before the Senate Committee on the Budget, regarding the line-item veto
Alice Rivlin before the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government, regarding
OMB's FY 1996 budget request (3/22/95)
John Koskinen before
the House Committee on Civil Service, regarding service contracting
Alice Rivlin before
the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee (5/5/95)
Alice Rivlin before
the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, regarding the National
Performance Review (5/19/95)
Alice Rivlin before
the Joint Economic Committee, regarding budget and deficit reduction
policies (6/22/95)
Alice Rivlin before
the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, Statement for the
Record, regarding Federal civilian retirement issues (6/28/95)
Alice Rivlin
before the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight and the
House Committee on Rules, regarding "lockbox" deficit reduction proposals
Edward DeSeve before
the Subcommittee on Government Management and Information Technology,
House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, regarding efforts to
better inform the public about how tax dollars are spent (7/13/95)
Sally Katzen
before the House Committee on Small Business, regarding efforts of the
Clinton Administration to decrease regulatory burdens on small business
John Koskinen
before the House Small Business Committee, regarding the Small Business
Administration's low documentation loan guarantee program (7/20/95)
John Koskinen
before the Senate Committee on Government Affairs, regarding the
Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1995 (7/25/95)
Alice Rivlin before
the Senate Budget Committee, regarding the 1996 Mid-Session Review
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