In the post-cold war world, in which national security is being redefined to include economic and environmental security, the role of international science and technology cooperation with Russia has never been more critical. There are many efforts to develop the information infrastructure of Russia and telecommunications links between Russia and the United States. Such efforts could strengthen the partnership between the United States and Russia, spur trade and economic growth, improve health care and education, and facilitate scientific cooperation.

Several Government agencies and private firms already have initiatives underway to support development and use of the telecommunications infrastructure in Russia. Some specific activities, both current and planned, are included in the following categories:

This is a dynamic exercise; the inventory will have to be periodically updated to reflect the constantly growing and changing links between our countries. The inventory of joint U.S.-Russian information infrastructure initiatives illustrates the specific progress already achieved. These programs also show how we can work together so both nations benefit. Clearly, the opportunities are enormous and this is the time to expand our partnership for peace.