NASA Space Biomedical Program: The Telecommunications
aspect of the NASA
space Biomedical Program will be carried out in two phases. The first phase will
link the two facilities of the Russian Institute for Biomedical Problems to NASA
research laboratories in the U.S. The type of information exchanged will deal
primarily with medical problems related to space flight and also the effects of
extreme environmental conditions. In the second phase, as many as 20 of the
leading clinical research hospitals, which deal with a variety of diseases,
could be joined to NASA's telecommunications network, which includes the full
range of telecommunications services, including teleconferencing, voice
conferencing, telephone, fax, and e-mail. It may be possible to join the 18
diabetes centers to U.S. counterparts via NASA's network or to facilitate the
speedy inclusion of the approximately 20 leading Russian clinical research
hospitals to the network.
NASA is continuing to implement communications services in Russia in
support of our joint projects in human space flight, space science, the mission
to planet earth, and aeronautics. Currently, NASA has already established
capabilities including voice, voice conferencing, video conferencing, fax,
e-mail and data exchange with major space facilities in Russia.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) uses civil signals from U.S.
Global Positioning System (GPS) and Russian Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite
System (GLONASS) to expedite early operational implementation of a
satellite-based communication / navigation / surveillance (CNS) air traffic
management system endorsed by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
member states.
In support of the modernization of the Russian Air Traffic Management
(ATM), the FAA is using a Rockwell International Hughes GPS/GLONASS
demonstration project, recently funded under the Nunn-Lugar defense conversion
program, to demonstrate the economic and technical benefits of transitioning
quickly to a satellite-based CNS/ATM system in Russia.