JHG SPEECHES, STATEMENTS, TESTIMONY, AND PRESS RELEASESThe following list is org anized chronologically, and includes speeches,testimony, press releases, and other statements by Dr. Gibbons.
Explanation of Filenames:
Each document has been assigned a file name according to its type and date.Each filename conta ins a two-letter preffix indicating the document type,followed by numbers indicating the date of the document, followed by a letterdifferentiating multiple versions of documents if necessary. For example:
TS931206 = testimony given on Decembe r 6, 1993
TS93126A = the (A) signifies the short version of the document
TS93126B = the (B) signifies the long version of the document (TS =Testimony ST = Statement SP = Speech PR = Press release)
A. TS930126 Confirmation Hearing Statement Before the Senate Committeeon Commerce, Science and Transportation 12/6/93
B. TS930304 Technology for America's Economic Growth A New Direction to Build Economic Strength Before the House Committee on Science, Space, andTechnology 3/4/93
C. TS930322 Renewable Energy Resources Before the Senate Subcommitteeon Toxic Substances, Research and Development; Committee on Environment andPublic Works 3/22/93
D. TS930329 OSTP Budget Request Before the House Subcommittee onVeteran's Administration, HUD, and Independent Agencies; Committee onAppropriations 3/29/93
E. TS930330 Global Change Before the Sen ate Committee on Energy andNatural Resources 3/30/93
F. PR930408 R & D Support Sustained in Budget Focused on DeficitReduction Press release for release for FY94 budget 4/8/93
G. SP930415 AAAS Colloquium on Science and Technology Washington D. C.4/15/93
H. PR930419 Six Major R & D Initiatives Included in President's FY94Budget Press release for release of FCCSET crosscut summaries 4/19/93
I. SP930427 GETTING "THERE" FROM "HERE" Before the Rocco Forum atJames Madison University 4/27/93
J. TS93427A Information Infrastructure and the High Performance Computingand High Speed Networking Applications Act of 1993 ( SHOR T VERSION) Beforethe House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 4/27/93
K. TS93427B Information Infrastructure and the High Performance Computing
and High Speed Networking Applications Act of 1993 ( LONG
VERSI ON) Before the House Committee on Science, Space, and
Technology 4/27/93
L. SP930507 A National Technology Strategy Delivered to the NationalResearch Council (overall tech policy review, with outline ofspace/aeronautics)
M. TS930513 The Administration's Technology Policy and Small BusinessBefore the House Committee on Small Business 5/13/93
N. SP930513 Intergovernmental Consultations on Space Station Cooperation
O. TS930514 OSTP Budget Request Before the Senate Subcommittee onVeteran's Administration, HUD, and Independent Agencies; Committee onAppropriations 5/14/93
P. TS930518 Technology and Industrial Base needed for National Securit y Before the Senate Subcommittee on Defense Technology, Acquisition, andIndustrial Base; Committee on Armed Services 5/18/93
Q. SP930519 National Space Club Congressional Reception National Airand
Space Museum 5/19/93< p>
R. TS930521 New Environmental Technologies Senate Committee onEnvironment and Public Works 5/21/93
S. TS930617 Space Station Redesign Before the House Subcommittee onVet eran's, Administration, HUD, and Independent Agencies; Committeeon Appropriations 6/17/93
T. TS930621 Administration's Technology Initiatives Before the JointHouse Economic Committee 6/21/93
U. SP930624 Space Policy: Statu s and Direction Before the WashingtonSpace Business Round Table 6/24/93
V. TS93715A Environmental Technology (SHORT VERSION) Before the House
Subcommittee on Technology, Environment, and Aviation; Committee
on Science, Space, and Technology 7/15/93
W. TS93715B Environmental Technology (LONG VERSION) Before the HouseSubcommittee on Technology, Environment, and Aviation; Committee on Science,Space, and Technology 7/15/93
X. SP930727 Clinton' s Technology Initiative Washinton InternationalBusiness Council, Washington, D. C 7/27/93
Y. TS930804 Administration's Position on the SSC Before the SenateCommittee on Energy and Natural Resources 8/4/93
BOOK 2: Aug ust 1993 -
The following list is organized chronologically, and includes speeches,testimony, press releases, and other statements by Dr. Gibbons. Do cuments canbe accessed in the i:\JHG_SPCH subdirectory. The documents in thissubdirectory are "read only" -- please make copies to your personaldirectories if you need to use portions for additional speeches, statements,etc.
Explanation o f Filenames:
Each document has been assigned a file name according to its type and date.Each filename contains a two-letter preffix indicating the document type,followed by numbers indicating the date of the document, followed by a letterdif ferentiating multiple versions of documents if necessary. For example:
TS931206 = testimony given on December 6, 1993
TS93126A = the (A) signifies the short version of the document
TS93126B = the (B) signifies the long version of the do cument (TS =Testimony ST = Statement SP = Speech PR = Press release)
A. SP930911 Remarks Before the Piedmont Environmental Council AnnualMeeting 9/11/9 3
B. SP930912 State-Federal Technology Parnership keynote 9/12/93
C. TS930915 Statement in support of confirmation of Dr. Tara O'Toole forAsst.
Secretary of Energy Before the Senate Committee on Energy &
Natu ral Resources 9/15/93
D. SP930916 A National Space and Aeronautics Strategy SpaceTalk '93Conference, Utah 9/16/93
E. TS931006 Gore-Chernomyrdin Before the House Space Science andApplications subcommittee 10/6/93
F. SP931007 National Academy of Engineering 10/7/93
G. SP931026 Biotechnology Expo. and Conference keynote 10/26/93
H. SP931104 "The Bet on Commercial Technology", Technology Summit,Berkeley
Roundtable on the International Economy(BRIE) 11/4/93
I. SP931109 Autofact keynote 11/9/93
L. SP940124 Biotechnology: Opportunity and Challenge, NationalBiotechnology Summit, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC, 01/24/94
M. SP940131 Science and the National Interest, remarks by John H.Gibbons
at Forum on Science in the National Interest World Leadership in BasicScience, Mathematics, and Engineeri ng, Washington, DC, 01/31/94
N. TS940203
& AP940203 Statement before the Committee on Science, Space, andTechnology
U.S. House of Representatives & Appendix, Detailed Comments on H.R.3476
O. SP940218 Grace or G ood Works? A Strategy for Science and Technology inthe '90's, AAAS KEYNOTE ADDRESS, FEBRUARY 18, 1994
P. SP940301 National Security Writ Large: A New Role for Science andTechnology in a Changing World, Speech to the Council on Foreig n Relations,03/01/94.
Q. TS940317 OSTP Budget Request, Statement before the Subcommittee onVeterans' Administration, HUD, and Independent Agencies, Committee onAppropriations, U.S. Senate, 03/17/94
R. TS940323 OSTP Budget Re quest, Statement before the Subcommittee onVeterans' Administration, HUD, and Independent Agencies Committee onAppropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, 03/23/94
S. SP940328 Forum on Environment and Natural Resources R&D, Key noteAddress, 03/28/94