White House Forum on the Role of Science and Technology
in Promoting National Security and Global Stability
March 29-30, 1995

This forum sought open discussion of our

nation's ability to most effectively organize and use our science and technology enterprise to support:

White Papers

Session Addresses

    1. Introduction

    2. Session One - Science, Technology, Sustainable
    Development, and Preventive Diplomacy

    3. Session Two - Social and Economic Integration:
    Building Capacity in Emerging Markets

    4. Reception - Sheila E.Widnall, Secretary of the United States Air Force

    5. Session Three - Using Science and Technology to
    Meet New Defense and Arms Control Needs

    6. Session Four - Technology Leadership to Strengthen
    Economic and National Security

    7. Wrap Up - Albert Gore, Jr., Vice President of the United States

Drafting Reports