1. Focused Federal R&D priorities on civilian technologies that spur economic growth and create good new jobs.
o greatly strengthened the Commerce Department's Advanced Technology Program, to support cooperative, industry-led projects to develop civilian technologies, and its Manufacturing Extension Partnership, to build a nationwide network of manufacturing extension services for small firms
o created an industry-government Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles that aims for major breakthroughs in automotive technology and lays the foundation for U.S. leadership in the world auto industry in the 21st century
o worked with hundreds of representatives of the electronics industries to set priorities for cooperative government-industry R&D that will strengthen electronics manufacturing in the U.S.
o brought representatives of the fragmented building and construction industries together to support cooperative R&D in this research-poor industry
o established a new emphasis on technology in air, rail, and highway projects in the Department of Transportation.
o streamlined the process for developing cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs) between industry and Federal laboratories; the Department of Energy alone has now joined with industrial partners in over 900 CRADAs
2. Improved the business environment for private-sector innovation and investment, and created a new atmosphere of cooperation between government and industry
o won Congressional approval for a 3-year extension of the R&D tax credit and a targeted capital gains reduction for investments in small business
o consulted with industry and solicited industry views in a great variety of forums, including the "Technology Summit" in November 1993 in California, the joint industry-government announcement of new partnerships in microelectronics in March 1994, and NIST's continuous consultation with thousands of industry officials in developing technology focus areas for cooperative R&D projects in the Advanced Technology Program
3. Fought for trade and export policies that support economic growth
o Won Congressional approval of NAFTA, which will strengthen U.S. technology-based industries and preserve and create good jobs
o Negotiated a GATT treaty that will support freer, fairer world trade and benefit U.S. technology-based industries and jobs
o Freed up $35 billion in exports by reducing controls on U.S. computer and telecommunications products
4. Redirected defense R&D and procurement toward dual-use technologies, enabling DOD to draw on leading-edge, affordable commercial technologies to meet military needs while also strengthening civilian industries.
o launched the Technology Reinvestment Project to support industry-led dual-use R&D, encourage defense and commercial firms to work together on dual-use applications, and stimulate the creation of an integrated civilian-military industrial base
o worked with Congress to reform procurement law, and within DOD to scrap outmoded military-unique specifications and standards, so DOD can take advantage of the best in commercial technologies
o initiated a major cooperative, merit-based research program that will help to build U.S. sources for new generations of flat panel displays
5. Mobilized Federal resources to support advanced information technologies and delivery systems
o developed an action agenda for the National Information Infrastructure that clarifies private- and public-sector responsibilities, and sets out fundamental requirements for universal citizen access and commercial sector benefits
o worked with Congress to revise telecommunications law for the first time in 60 years, to allow effective use of the NII
o worked with Congress to transfer to the private sector 200 megahertz of the radio frequency spectrum now used by Federal agencies, and to allow competitive bidding in granting new licenses
o worked with other countries to establish a Global Information Infrastructure
o built and upgraded the National Educational and Research Network
o accelerated the development of hardware and software for massively parallel computers
o crafted standards for high technology television that allow integration of computer and television technologies
6. Developed technology strategies for environmental protection that also promote economic growth
o Developed a strategy for reducing the growth of greenhouse gases linked to global warming, including an emphasis on cost-saving measures for energy efficiency
o In the report "Technology for a Sustainable Future," laid out strategic directions and possible next steps for developing a new generation of technologies that will protect the environment while sustaining economic growth
7. Re-invented the space program
o redesigned the space station for greater economy and efficiency, integrated Russia into the space station partnership, and won Congressional approval for the new program
o developed a national space transportation policy to guide Federal investments in space launch vehicles, take advantage of foreign capabilities without becoming dependent on them, and take the interests of commercial launch companies into account
o solved a decade-long problem of wasteful duplication in the government's programs for orbiting weather satellites, putting into practice recommendations of the Vice-President's National Performance Review
o devised a cost-effective way to carry on the Landsat program, thus assuring the continuity of the Landsat data base with its invaluable military, civilian, and environmental applications
8. Made training and education of the work force more accessible and productive
o accelerated development of civilian technologies to increase learning productivity for children and adults
o encouraged the transfer of defense training technologies to civilian uses
o worked with Congress to create a school-to-work education and training program
9. Organized Federal technology efforts for greater efficiency and effectiveness
o Established a Cabinet level National Science and Technology Council, chaired by the President, to set priorities and guide Federal R&D investments government wide
o greatly increased private sector review of Federal R&D and expanded competitive, cost-shared research
o disciplined progress toward reaching a fifty-fifty balance between civilian and defense R&D
o Initiated a high level review, directed by NSTC, of the three largest Federal laboratory systems, those of DOD, DOE, and NASA; the aim is to ensure effective use of Federal R&D funding to meet evolving national needs in national security, fundamental science, industrial technologies, environmental protection, and aerospace.