Al Gore's Cartoon Gallery

Over the years, Al Gore's caricature has appeared in numerous local and national cartoon strips. Vice President Al Gore has amassed a large personal collection of cartoons characterizing his public life. Below are a few examples from his personal collection.

This cartoon with Vice President Al Gore on crutches has the President complimenting the Vice President. Vice President Al Gore ruptured his achilles tendon playing basketball on August 20, 1994. (Reproduced with the permission of Dave Granlund)

This cartoon with the bureaucracy depicted as a dinosaur was crafted after Vice President Gore presented the National Performance Review: Creating a Government that Works Better and Costs Less (NPR) to President Clinton on September 7, 1993. (Reproduced with the permission of Jimmy Margulies and King Features Syndicates)

President Clinton signed into law the Federal Workforce Restructuring Act on March 30, 1994. This Act, an NPR recommendation, will reduce the size of the federal workforce to its lowest level since President Kennedy was in office. ( This cartoon of federal workers is reproduced with the permission of Ed Gamble and King Features Syndicates)

This cartoon of a train includes caricatures of both the President and the Vice President. President Clinton signed into law the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act on October 13, 1994. This Act, an NPR recommendation, will overhaul the way the Federal government purchases supplies and dramatically reduce costs to the American taxpayer. (Reproduced with the permission of Jeff MacNelly)

This cartoon depicts a NEW Al Gore as the character from the movie Terminator 2. As a member of the United States Senate, Al Gore's early and steadfast leadership has influenced American policy in such areas as the environment, science, space, technology and foreign affairs. (Reproduced with the permission of Jack Ohman)

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