Carol Hampton Rasco

Assistant to The President for Domestic Policy

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Carol Hampton Rasco, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, is a native Arkansan who worked with President Bill Clinton in the Arkansas Governor's Office for ten Years.

As The President's chief domestic policy advisor, Ms. Rasco supervises and coordinates the work of the White house Staff of The Domestic Policy Council. She also serves on the Department of Education's national Education Goals Panel.

In Arkansas, Ms. Rasco was Governor Clinton's Senior Executive Assistant responsible for the staff and operations of the Governor's office as well as policy coordination. From 1985 through 1992, she was also Governor Clinton's Liaison to the National Govenors' Association. During this period, she worked closely with the NGA's Washington staff both during Governor Clinton's Chairmanship and while he was lead Governor on Welfare reform, child care and health care reform.

Carol received a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Arkansas and earned a Master's Degree from the University of Central Arkansas. She has taught in the public school system and worked as a middle school counselor.

Prior to joining Governor Clinton's staff in 1983, Carol worked extensively as a volunteer in Arkansas with arts organizations, disability advocacy groups and the united Methodist Church.

Domestic Policy Council | Members | Domestic Policies

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