FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Commerce Total 3,961 4,682 3,400 Technology Administration 8 14 5 NIST TOTAL 701 1,024 404 NIST Advanced Technology Program 341 491 0 NIST Manuf. Extension Partnership 74 147 81 NIST Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award 3 5 *[3] NIST In-House Laboratories 248 311 263 NIST Construction of Facilities 35 70 60 NTIA- Nat. Info. Infra. Grants 42 100 40 NOAA Fisheries 269 316 251 NOAA Climate Change 57 90 52 NOAA HPCC 6 16 7 NOAA GLOBE 7 7 0 * Funding provided within the NIST in-house laboratory account. The Attorney General, Secretary of Commerce, and the Director of OMB have recommended that the President veto the C/J/S Appropriations Bill (HR 2076) in its current form. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Transportation Total R&D 943 1,114 707 860 FHWA Intelligent Transportation Sys. 228 352 184 230 FAA Research 259 268 143 216 FRA Next Gen. High Speed Rail 25 35 15 25 Other DOT Research 431 459 365 389 The Director of OMB has cited serious objections to the Transportation Appropriations Bill (HR 2002) in its current form. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Solar & Renewable Energy Program 388 423 266 284 Conservation R&D 512 643 403 408 Climate Change Action Plan 101 187 85 85 Cooperative R&D Agreements 274 291 25 254 Linear Accelerator "B-Factory" 44 52 52 52 Partnership for New Gen. Vehicle 168 251 123 178 Scientific Facilities Initiative 0 100 100 100 Alternative Fuel Vehicles 53 56 28 27 Federal Facility Energy Efficiency 24 26 17 19 The Director of OMB has cited strong opposition to the Energy/Water Appropriations Bill (HR 1905) in its current form. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Space Station 2,113 2,115 2,115 Mission to Planet Earth 1,340 1,341 1,003 High Perf. Computing and Comm. 76 75 40 Clean Car 5 7 0 Air Traffic Control Research 0 20 0 Spacecraft and Remote Sensing Res. 139 178 157 The President has stated that he will veto the VA/HUD/Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill (HR 2099) in its current form. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf NAT'L SCIENCE FOUNDATION 3,226 3,360 3,160 The President has stated that he will veto the VA/HUD/Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill (HR 2099) in its current form. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Agency Total 5,956 7,352 4,892 Operating Program 2,863 3,362 2,541 Research and Development Account 335 427 384 Superfund Research 66 58 13 Program and Research Operations* 922 1,017 0 Abatement, Control and Compliance* 1,405 1,747 0 Environmental Programs and Compliance* 0 0 1,882 Environmental Technology Initiative 68 127 0 * The House combined the PRO (salaries, benefits and travel) and AC&C (non-R&D contracts and grants) accounts into the new EP&C account. Combined funding was reduced by 32 percent relative to the President's FY 1996 Budget, and by 19 percent from the post-rescission FY 1995 level. The President has stated that he will veto the VA/HUD/Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill (HR 2099) in its current form. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Technology Reinvestment Project 208 500 0 238 Sematech 89 90 0 90 The Director of OMB has cited serious concerns with the Defense Appropriations bill (HR 2126) in its current form and that the President will not support the bill unless those concerns are addressed. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health 11,252 11,779 11,939 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 132 137 99 The Chief of Staff and the Director of OMB have stated that the President would veto the Labor/HHS/Ed Appropriations Bill (HR 2127) in its current form. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Service 761 740 736 Coop. State Res., Ed., and Ext. Service 934 874 807 Forest Service 194 204 182 Nat'l Agri. Statistics & Ec. Res. Svc. 135 145 134 The Secretary of Agriculture and the Director of OMB have recommended that the President veto the Agriculture Appropriations Bill (HR 1976) in its current form. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Ed. Technology Total 56 122 25 Technology Learning Challenge 23 83 25 Star Schools 25 30 0 Ready to Learn TV 7 7 0 Telecommunication Demo Project 1 2 0 Learning Productivity R&D Total 86 97 83 The Chief of Staff and the Director of OMB have stated that the President would veto the Labor/HHS/Ed Appropriations Bill (HR 2127) in its current form. FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 Enacted Request House Senate Conf U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR National Biological Service 146 173 0 146 U.S. Geological Survey 571 586 687 578 U.S. Bureau of Mines 154 132 87 133 The Secretary of Interior and the Director of OMB have recommended that the President veto the Interior Appropriations Bill (HR 1977) in its current form.
(1) Funds are Discretionary Budget Authority in Millions.
(2) FY 1995 levels are net of rescissions.
(3) Numbers are not additive as there may be overlap.