Under ETI in FY 1995, the City of Phoenix, and other partners, will be awarded $350,000 to address policy and regulatory barriers to using constructed wetlands as an alternative to conventional wastewater treatment technologies in meeting federal and state water quality standards. According to George Britton, Deputy City Manager of Phoenix: "...if successful, this alternative will reduce city spending to meet water quality standards by $300 million - $500 million, and enhance recreational, educational and wildlife values throughout the Salt River watershed. Without ETI funding, the city would lose EPA as a federal project partner; miss the opportunity to streamline permitting from 2-4 years down to 18 months; revert to the adversarial days of the federal government 'looking over your shoulder'; and being a full partner with the city and the state -- having a stake in the success of the project." The results of this pilot project will be made available to more than 20 other communities around the country who are in similar situations.
Through ETI funding, states such as Massachusetts and New Hampshire can now dedicate staff to permit new, innovative technologies and re-focus their inspection and pollution prevention programs to accept new technologies. According to Trudy Coxe, Massachusetts Secretary of Environmental Affairs : "Governor Weld and I have acknowledged the key role that innovative environmental technologies play in our economic and environmental future through the development of the Massachusetts Strategic Envirotechnology Partnership (STEP)...funding through the ETI is crucial to our success. Without these resources, we will be limited in our abilities to fully test out models for permitting, demonstrating, evaluating and assisting (the use of) new technologies. I encourage continued ETI funding and look forward to our combined efforts to promote the development and use of innovative environmental technologies as a way to meet the environmental challenges of the future in the most cost-effective way."
To the President of the United States (excerpt) from Alan B. Cash, President of Terra-Kleen Response Group: "The technology is a breakthrough for treating soil and debris with PCB, DDT, Chlordane, pentachlorophenol, and chlorinated dioxin contamination, and promises to lower treatment costs by up to 80% at these sites...the development and success of this technology would not have been possible without help from several government entities, but specifically the US EPA's SITE [Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation] program."
Said Michael R. Bonsignore, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Honeywell Incorporated, "We're delighted to partner with the EPA on this important initiative. . . . Through Energy Star, we are supporting Honeywell's environmental goals, while helping EPA demonstrate the tangible benefits of improved energy efficiency."