ONDCP Structure
Deputy Director
Office of Demand Reduction

The Deputy Director for Demand Reduction is appointed by the President and is responsible for providing direction to the Office, which oversees and undertakes activities to reduce the demand for drugs, including: drug education, drug prevention, drug treatment and related efforts for the rehabilitation of persons addicted to drugs, research on drug use, its precursors, and its consequences, evaluation of program effectiveness, and the development of drug treatment medications. Specific activities include recommending policy directions, conducting analyses, issuing guidance based on review of research literature, periodically convening expert panels to assess state-of-the-art approaches to reducing the demand for drugs, developing or refining strategies for demand reduction, and promoting initiatives and priorities of the National Drug Control Strategy. The Deputy Director for Demand Reduction also serves as chair of the Prevention, Treatment, and Medical Research Subcommittee of ONDCP's Research, Data, and Evaluation Advisory Committee.

ONDCP Home Page | Purpose | Biography of the Director | Organizational Structure
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