Public Linkage, Dialogue, and Education Task Force


An educated public is our most powerful resource to meet the challenges created by increasing environmental, economic and social demands. Recognizing the importance of education, the Council created the Public Linkage, Dialogue, and Education Task Force to serve as the vehicle through which the work of the Council is accessible to the public for information, review and comment. In addition, the Task Force promotes dialogue and outreach between the PCSD and community networks.

Policy Development

The Education Working Group of the Task Force lead the policy formulation efforts by developing policies on formal and non-formal education and outreach at a forum, hosted by GREEN, in Ann Arbor, MI. The document was disseminated to Task Force members as well as educators, businesses, government leaders, NGOs, and religious and labor organizations for review and comment. The document and comments will be reviewed and discussed at a second policy forum sponsored by S.C. Johnson and Son in March 1995. The final policy recommendations will be presented to the Council at the meeting in San Francisco, and discussed during a national sustainable development education teleconference. Members of the Task Force also participated in a forum, hosted by Second Nature to formulate principles for higher education on sustainable development. Bibliography references on sustainable development and model university-level programs were identified, collected, and compiled for future dissemination.


Attaining wide-spread public support and understanding of sustainability issues is critical to the success of the Council. The Task Force is partnering with other PCSD task forces and a variety of public forums and grass-roots projects to help facilitate its outreach efforts by:

Demonstration Project

The National Forum on Education about the Environment (NFEE) will assist the Education Working Group with activities that will enhance the NFEE's ability to impact national policy and craft a meaningful blueprint of sustainable development education. Joint efforts will be made to craft policies and a sustainable development curriculum and bibliography. NFEE is also working to develop a Blueprint for Education About the Environment that will detail partnerships and policies needed to ensure programs of excellence are developed and sustained in every community.

Task Force Council Membership



  • Dianne Dillon-Ridgley, Co-Chair, Citizens' Network for Sustainable Development
  • Samuel C. Johnson, Chairman, S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
  • Madeleine Kunin, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Education
  • Timothy E. Wirth, Under Secretary for Global Affairs, U.S. Department of State
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