A dramatic night photo of the Washington Monument
covered by lights during the ceremonies marking the opening of the Clinton/Gore
Inaugural. The Lincoln Memorial and a bank of spotlights are in the background.
This photo was taken from the top of the clock tower on the Smithsonian Castle
building on the Mall.
Hillary Clinton greets visitors and shakes hands
along a fence on the Mall in Washington during her visit to "The Reunion on the
Mall" held as part of the Clinton/Gore Inaugural.
An aerial view of the Lincoln Memorial
during the "Call for Reunion," a two-hour outdoor concert kicking off the
Clinton/Gore Inaugural. Hundreds of thousands of people crowded onto the
Mall for the free concert which featured such entertainers as
Aretha Franklin, Michael Bolton, Tony Bennett, Bob Dylan, Diana
Ross and rapper L-L Cool J.
The Clintons and the Gores wave to the crowd at the opening to the
"Call for Reunion" a two-hour outdoor concert kicking off the
Clinton/Gore Inaugural
Hundreds of thousands of people crowded onto the Mall for
the free concert.
Bill Clinton, with the statue of Lincoln behind him
addresses the hundreds of thousands of people who crowded onto the Mall for
the "Call for Reunion" a two-hour outdoor concert kicking off the
Clinton/Gore Inaugural.
Singer Diana Ross, on stage at the Lincoln Memorial
giving it her all in her finale for the "Call To Reunion", which kicked off the
Clinton/Gore Inaugural. Hundreds of thousands of people crowded onto the Mall
for the free two-hour outdoor concert.
The Clintons and the Gores lead a procession of thousands across the
Memorial Bridge from the Lincoln Memorial to Arlington Virginia
on their way to the Bell Ringing Ceremony which was part of the kick
off of the Clinton/Gore Inaugural. The procession and bell ringing
followed a Call To Reunion concert at the Lincoln Memorial.
While the Clintons and Gores watch, Chelsea Clinton rings a replica of
the Liberty Bell during festivities kicking off the Clinton/Gore
At the stroke of 6 p.m., Clinton and Gore grasped the red rope
attached to the bell and led the nation in a bell ringing ceremony.
Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, kept up the ringing long after her father
let go of the rope.
Bill Clinton holds up an American Flag
passed to him by someone in the crowd at the Bell Ringing Ceremony
which was part of the kick off for the Clinton/Gore Inaugural.
One of the most spectacular fireworks displays ever seen in Washington
cap the day's events which kicked off the Clinton/Gore Inaugural.
This photograph was taken from the Virginia side of the Potomac River.
The Lincoln Memorial, to the left, is almost hidden by the bursts.
A spectacular red, white and blue burst of fireworks
seen from the unique perspective from the top of the Washington
Monument, cap the day's events which kicked off the Clinton/Gore
Inaugural. Looking down from the Monument, in addition to the
fireworks, the Lincoln Memorial, and bridges over the Potomac Rover to
Virginia can be seen.
President-elect Bill Clinton waves to the waiting crowd
as he, Vice President-elect Al Gore, and their wives leave a meeting
of introduction with diplomats at Georgetown University.
Perhaps the most spectacular fireworks ever seen in Washington
burst over the Potomac River during the kick off to the Clinton/Gore
Inaugural. Behind the red, white and blue bursts, three of D.C.'s
most distinct landmarks - the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument
and U.S. Capitol can be seen bathed in lights.
A spectacular aerial view directly over and in front of the
U.S. Capitol Building
during the swearing-in ceremonies for President Bill Clinton.
A view directly over and slightly to the side of the U.S. Capitol
during the swearing-in ceremonies for President Bill Clinton, showing
the crowd and inaugural stand.
President Bill Clinton is given the oath of office
by Chief Justice William Rehnquist to become the 42nd President of the
United States. President Clinton's wife, Hillary, and his daughter
Chelsea, stand by his side.
A spectacular view of the Inaugural swearing-in ceremony
taken from behind the podium looking beyond the massive crowd towards
the Washington Monument.
A close-up of Chief Justice William Rehnquist
administering the oath of office to President Bill Clinton during Inaugural
ceremonies at the United States Capitol.
George Bush and Bill Clinton shake hands
just after the inaugural ceremonies at the U.S. Capitol.
An aerial view looking straight down Pennsylvania Avenue at the
beginning of the Inaugural Parade
President Clinton's motorcade and accompanying press vehicles are near
the center of the photo as they proceed from the Capitol towards the
White House.
President Clinton waves to crowd lining Pennsylvania Avenue
as he walks part of the way during his Inaugural Parade.
Vice President Al Gore and Tipper wave from the stage during one of
the many Inaugural Balls held following the Inauguration
President Bill Clinton and Hillary dancing at one of the Inaugural
Balls following his Inauguration
President Bill Clinton and Hillary wave to the crowd at one of the Inaugural Balls
towards the end of a long day of ceremonies and events.
President Bill Clinton playing the saxophone during one of the
Inaugural Balls
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