[What's New Banner]

Please note: Presidential addresses and the White House press releases may be found in Publications

July 26th, 1995

[ICON: Greenball] Rebuilding America for a New Era

[ICON: Empowerment Zone Logo]

The White House Empowerment Zone Conference

The Empowerment Community Home Page

July 24th, 1995

[Presidential Seal]
The Affirmative Action Review Report to the President

July 19th, 1995

[ICON: American Eagle]

National Economic Council

July 11th, 1995

[IMAGE: Document Cover]

White House Forum on the Role of Science and Technology
in Promoting National Security and Global Stability

July 10th, 1995

[ICON: Greenball] Federal Aviation Administration

July 6th, 1995

[ICON: UN 50th Anniversary 
[ICON: Greenball] United Nations Celebrates 50th Anniversary
President Clinton speaks at the closing ceremony
[ICON: Greenball] Text of the President's remarks at the closing ceremony

July 4th, 1995

[PICTURE: Declaration of Independence]

[ICON: Greenball] The Declaration of Independence

[ICON: Flag GIF]

[ICON: Greenball] Linking the cities of the United States for the 4th of July

[Clickable Image]

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