- "[Carlin's] energetic advocacy, funding priorities, and ability to craft full bipartisan support for the project ... resulted in completion of
[a] $11.1 million state-of-the-art [Museum of History]. He knows how to get things done and has an impressive track record to prove it."
- Mark A. Hunt
Member, Governing Council,
American Association for State and Local History
Former Director, Kansas Museum of History
- "Leadership, innovation and attention to a varied constituency are qualities needed by [the Archives]. I have no doubt John Carlin
would bring these attributes and more to the position of Archivist of the Unites States"
- Howard E. Vander Clute, Jr.
Past Commander-in-Chief
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
- "NARA needs a leader with skill and experience in listening to constituencies, generating broad political support for a public-service
agenda, and managing a large, diverse agency. Those are precisely John Carlin's professional skills. He is experienced in government
administration through his service as governor of Kansas, during which, it is relevant to add, he was particularly supportive of the
Kansas State Historical Society and the State Archives within it. He is experienced in evaluating public services in light of public
needs, and is familiar with the National Archives Foundation. He enjoys respect within both political parties and on both ends of
Pennsylvania Avenue. He is the captive of no faction within the Archives' constituent communities. He knows how to work with
disparate groups, develop consensus, build support, and pursue public-service goals within the confines of political and fiscal realities.
The National Archives and Records Administration needs those leadership qualities desperately."
- Dr. Gerald George
Immediate past Executive Director
National Historical Publications and Records Commission and
Former Executive Director, American Association for State and Local History
- "John Carlin repeatedly expressed his interest in history. This was not mere rhetoric. During a period of limited discretionary revenues
he demonstrated his commitment..."
- Emanuel Cleaver, II
Mayor, Kansas City, Missouri
- "As Governor of Kansas, John Carlin demonstrated a commitment to public history that earned him, and more important, the State of
Kansas, national recognition."
- F. Russell Millin
Kansas City, Missouri