January 23, 1996
We live in an age of possibility, but also a time of challenge and change. The savings common to
both the President's balanced budget plan and the Republican plan would allow us to balance the budget, cut
government and provide a responsible tax cut. In the State of the Union, the President will call on
Congress to enact those savings, and he will call on all Americans to look to the challenges of
Face our challenges together. The era of big government is over, but we cannot go back to the time
when our citizens were left on their own to deal with our common problems. The President will
challenge all Americans to work together -- in their families, their communities, businesses, churches,
schools, and in our government -- to meet the challenges we face together, and seize the promise of
our age of possibility.
The President will outline the crucial challenges for all Americans in his speech:
Challenge to families to stay together.
- We must all take responsibility -- mothers, fathers, businesses, schools, and media -- to give
our children the chance to pursue their dreams.
Challenge to renew our schools and college opportunity for a new century.
- Bring our schools into the 21st century by setting the highest standards and ensuring that all
our children are technologically literate.
- Throw open the doors of college as never before.
Challenge to help every American achieve economic security.
- Open access to education and training for a lifetime, so all Americans can be the winners of
economic change;
- Ensure that all Americans have access to affordable health care and the security of a decent
Challenge to take back our streets from crime, gangs and drugs.
- A continued commitment to community policing;
- A renewed assault on the gangs and drugs that threaten our children.
Challenge to leave our environment safe and clean for future generations.
- First: Do not undermine a generation of strong bipartisan efforts that have given us the safe,
clean air and water we enjoy today;
- Make environmental protection in businesses' best interest, providing incentives for
corporations to take responsibility to keep our environment clean and safe.
Challenge to meet our responsibility to lead the fight for freedom and peace.
- America must continue to build a safer future for our families by reducing the threat of
weapons of mass destruction, taking on terrorists and drug traffickers, and remaining a leader
for peace.
Challenge to reform our government and renew our democracy.
- Continued efforts to make government work better for less money;
- Real political reform and renewed citizenship.