May, National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

Mr. Tom McMillen, Co-Chair 202-272-342l PCPFS FAX 202-504-2064 Suite 250 70l Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20004 Ms. Sandra Perlmutter, Executive Director 202-272-342l PCPFS FAX 202-504-2064 Suite 250 70l Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20004 Mr. York E. Onnen 202-272-3427 Director of Program Development FAX 202-540-2064 PCPFS Suite 250 70l Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20004 May, Older Americans Month Ms. Moya Benoit-Thompson 202-40l-454l Legislative Analyst FAX 202-40l-774l Administration on Aging Room 309F 200 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 2020l Ms. Fran Albin 30l-656-3l00 Global Exchange, Inc. 79l0 Woodmont Ave., Ste 400 Bethesda, MD 208l4-30l5 Ms. Jan Newsome 202-434-2505 American Association of Retired Persons FAX 202-434-6499 Room A9275 60l E St., NW Washington, DC 20049 National Allergy/Asthma Awareness Month (May 1-31) Fred Mayer 4l5-332-4066 President of Allergy/Asthma Council FAX 4l5-332-l832 Pharmacists Planning Services, Inc. PO Box l336 Sausalito, CA 94966 National Arthritis Month (May 1-31) Mr. Dennis Bowman 404-872-7l00 Arthritis Foundation FAX 404-872-0457 l3l4 Spring Street, NW Atlanta, GA 30309 National Better Sleep Month (May 1-31) Ms. Andrea Herman 703-683-837l Director FAX 703-683-4503 Better Sleep Council 333 Commerce Street Alexandria, VA 223l4 National Bike Month Susie Jones, Education Director 4l0-539-3399 League of American Bicyclists FAX 4l0-539-3496 l90 W. Ostend St., Ste l20 Baltimore, MD 2l230 National Correct Posture Month (May 1-31) Ms. Abbey Fisher 703-276-8800 Director FAX 703-243-2593 Communications and Marketing American Chiropractic Association l70l Clarendon Blvd. Arlington, VA 22209 National High Blood Pressure Education Month Ms. Karen Donato 30l-496-l05l Coordinator, NHBP Program FAX 30l-402-l05l Room 4A-03, Bldg. 3l National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 National Mental Health Month Ms. Gina White 703-838-7530 Director, Media & Public Affairs FAX 703-684-5968 National Mental Health Association l02l Prince Street Alexandria, VA 223l4-297l

"WEEKS" in MAY (l994 dates)
National Physical Education and Sports Week (May 1-7) Dr. Judy Young 703-838-7530 Executive Director FAX 703-684-5980 National Association of Sport and Physical Education l900 Association Drive Reston, VA 2209l American Running and Fitness Week (May 8-14) Ms. Susan Kalish, Executive Director 30l-9l3-95l7 American Running and Fitness Association FAX 30l-9l3-9520 Suite 405 4405 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 208l4 National Osteoporosis Prevention Week (May 8-14) Ms. Sandra Raymond 202-223-2226 Executive Director FAX 202-223-2237 National Osteoporosis Foundation ll50 l7th St., NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 National Water Fitness Week (May 24-3l) John Spannuth 407-732-9908 Executive Director FAX 407-738-4803 U.S. Water Fitness Association, Inc. PO Box 3279 Boynton Beach, FL 33424-3279
"DAYS" in MAY(l994 dates)

All Children Exercise Simultaneously (May 4, l994) Mr. Howard Saunders 20l-433-8993 Youth Fitness Coalition, Inc. PO Box 6452 Jersey City, NJ 07306-0452 Across America Tennis Day (May 14, l994) Ms. Karen Unger 7l3-978-7782 U.S. Professional Tennis Association FAX 7l3-978-7780 (USPTA) World Headquarters 3535 Briarpark Drive Houston, TX 77042 National Employee Health and Fitness Day (May 18, l994) Ms. Cindy Porteous 3l7-237-5630 Executive Director FAX 3l7-237-5632 National Association of Governor's Councils on Physical Fitness & Sports Pan Am Plaza, Suite 560 20l South Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46225-l072 National Senior Health & Fitness Day (May 25, l994) Ms. Mary Gay Kay l-800-828-8225 Program Coordinator 708-8l6-8660 Mature Market Resource Center FAX 708-8l6-8662 American Custom Publishing Corp. 62l East Park Avenue Libertyville, IL 60048

Other Colleagues
National Fitness Leaders Association 703-222-2520 l4800 Conference Center Dr., Ste 30l FAX 703-63l-529l Chantilly, VA 2202l Thomas J. Cove 202-775-l762 Director of Washington Operations FAX 202-296-7462 Sporting Goods Manufacturers Assn. l625 K Street, NW, Ste 900 Washington, DC 20006 COL Jim Dale, USAF 202-404-829l Chief, Health Promotion Office of the Surgeon General, USAF HQ USAF/SGPZ l70 Luke Ave., Bolling AFB Washington, DC 20332-5ll3 U.S. National Senior Sports----(Games Info): 3l4-878-4900 Organization and Senior Games FAX 314-878-9957 Public Relations Counsel c/o Helen Harris Associates, Inc.---------- 203-767-5057 l2 Main Street FAX 203-767-5049 Essex, CT 06426 Kevin R. Hacke 708-480-9574 Executive Director FAX 708-480-9282 Association for Worksite Health Promotion 60 Revere Dr., Suite 500 Northbrook, IL 60062 John McCarthy 6l7-95l-0055 Executive Director FAX 6l7-95l-0056 IRSA - The Association of Quality Clubs 253 Summer St. Boston, MA 022l0 Mike O'Shea, Ph.D. 2l2-752-7lll Contributing Editor FAX 2l2-758-4973 Parade 750 Third Avenue New York, NY l00l7 Ray Scheppach 202-624-5320 Executive Director FAX 202-624-5825 National Governor's Association Hall of States 444 N. Capitol Street, NW Suite 267 Washington, DC 20002