CONTACT: Mary Ann Hill
"May is a time when Americans are reminded about the many good reasons to be physically active," said PCPFS Co-Chairs Florence Griffith Joyner and Tom McMillen. "We are pleased to have so many partners join us in highlighting the pleasures and benefits of a more active lifestyle."
The Presidential Fitness Partners in May initiative was created in 1994 to bring new strategies and messages to all observances during National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. The effort grew from last year's landmark meeting of many groups promoting greater physical activity for health promotion and maintenance, improved performance and safety for all Americans.
For the first time, information about the initiative, including a poster, brochure, and list of partner organizations, will be available on the World Wide Web and Internet via the White House Socks server. A thirty-second public service announcement featuring First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is available via satellite to stations affiliated with the National Association of Broadcasters.
This year's initiative will highlight several major events, including: the White House Conference on Aging, May 2-5 in Washington, D.C.; Project ACES (All Children Exercising Simultaneously) on May 3; and The US National Senior Sports Classic V, May 17-24.
"There is mounting evidence that too many of us are not physically active at the recommended levels. Too many are not making the lifestyle choices that can yield better health and well-being," said Sandra Perlmutter, PCPFS Executive Director. "That's why the Presidential Fitness Partners in May have resolved to highlight the GET MOVING AMERICA! theme, not just in May, but throughout the year."
NordicTrack again will provide production and distribution of GET MOVING AMERICA! promotional materials as a public service.