II. New Economy -

Community Empowerment

While America's great cities and distressed rural communities fell into disrepair in the 1980s, Washington ignored their fate. Private enterprise has abandoned these distressed areas, leaving young people with few job prospects and declining hopes.The Clinton Administration has launched initiatives that promote economic opportunity in distressed communities.

[Photo:  President Clinton.]

Empowerment Zones (EZ) and Enterprise Communities (EC)

Community Development Banks and Financial Institutions

Community Reinvestment Act

[Photo:  President Clinton discusses empowerment.]

Other Empowerment Initiatives

As President Clinton said, [There] needs to be a new partnership between Washington and the communities and the individuals of this country, and there needs to be a way of doing business in which we try to create the conditions in which people can seize opportunities for themselves. The Clinton Administration's community empowerment strategy is helping restore the American Dream in distressed areas by focusing on helping people help themselves.

The Middle Class Bill of Rights
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