III. New Community -


"We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it."

-- President Clinton
1995 State of the Union

Illegal Immigration - An Inherited Problem

The Administration Has a Four Point Plan to Deal With Illegal Immigration. The Clinton Administration has made the strongest commitment to fighting illegal immigration in history. In the 1996 budget, the President called for a $1 billion increase to combat illegal immigration through border control, work site enforcement, removal of criminal aliens, assistance to States, and other key initiatives.

Strengthening Border Control -- The Clinton Administration is doing more at the border to deter illegal immigration than any Administration in history.

Protecting American Jobs -- Work site enforcement and verification. The Clinton Administration is the first to take strong steps for effective enforcement of employer sanctions and minimum labor standards to address illegal immigration.

Deporting Criminal and Deportable Aliens -- The Clinton Administration is the first Administration to develop a National Detention and Removal Program which will:

Assistance to the States

Denying Public Benefits -- The Clinton Administration believes that:

Legal Immigrants Strengthen Our Country

Welfare Reform
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