III. New Community -

Child Care and Head Start

"The hardest and the most important part of welfare reform is moving people from welfare to work. You have to educate and train people. You've got to make sure that their kids aren't punished once they go to work by losing their health care or their child care. "

-- President Clinton
National Association of Counties, March 7, 1995

Quality child care is critical to the millions of working families struggling to make ends meet. The Administration has been committed to expanding child care assistance through Head Start and other successful child care programs - and to improving the quality of child care.


The need for assistance with child care is large and growing. Proposals to block grant and cap child care assistance threaten to eliminate the child care which enables poor families to work.

The quality of child care is far from adequate. Poor quality care threatens children's development. The recent study conducted by economists and child development experts confirms that quality care is related to child outcomes. The vast majority of care in the country was found to be mediocre, with 40% of infant care considered poor.



Under Republican proposals, more than $2 billion dollars in child care assistance would be cut over five years and more than 300,000 children would lose assistance in the year 2000.

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