White House Electronic Publications - What's New

October 26th, 1995

White House Internet Service Marks First Anniversary;
Approaching Four-Million Mark

October 24th, 1995

President Clinton's Address to the Gathering of World Leaders
at the Special Commemorative Meeting for the UN 50th Anniversary

October 18th, 1995

Presidential Speech on Race Relations
October 16th, 1995
The University of Texas

September 19th, 1995

The National Security Science and Technology Strategy

August 15th, 1995

Remarks by the President at the Unveiling of the Bush Portraits

July 24th, 1995

The Affirmative Action Review Report to the President

July 6th, 1995

President Clinton speaks at the closing ceremony
of the United Nations 50th Anniversary Celebration
Text of the President's remarks at the closing ceremony

June 26th, 1995

Press Release: Mark Gearan Nominated to be Peace Corps Director

June 21st

President, Vice President put Government on-line for Business

June 2nd, 1995

President Clinton's address at Air Force Academy Graduation

May 17th, 1995

Remarks By The President During "A Time of Healing" Prayer Service April 23, 1995

May 10th, 1995

President Clinton's address at Michigan State University's Spring 1995 Convocation

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