[Text version]

Presidential Seal


FOR MORE THAN THREE DECADES, the White House Fellowships have brought promising and enterprising Americans to the nation's capital to serve as apprentices in the halls of our government--to learn first-hand the arts of policy-making and public administration and, just as important, to contribute their energies and perspectives to the discussion and resolution of the great issues of the day. In this unique fashion, the White House Fellowships fulfill a dual role of recognizing and encouraging individual talent while improving, in a substantial and meaningful way, the quality and effectiveness of government.

Knowing that true citizenship calls for action, past participants in the White House Fellows program have gone on to render great service to their communities, to their professions, and to our nation. As we prepare for the challenges of the twenty-first century, the White House Fellowships will continue to play an invaluable role in the study of government and experience in public service.

On behalf of all Americans, I thank the Members of the President's Commission on White House Fellowships for their efforts to further this tradition, and I express the country's appreciation to the White House Fellows who have committed their time and talents to this ambitious program. I commend the White House Fellows program for giving Americans the opportunity to experience the promise and the challenge of public service.


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